The First School Of The Twins

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      It's  been months now the twins gone off to school. At the nursery  of Dragon University.

    Many women want to see Shen Wei's  angelic face as he drive his twin there. Yunlan gift him a new toyota blue car. In which he easily learned to drive and got a driver's  license.  Before  the twins got off the car, they would kiss their mama goodbye. As they ran to the entrance.

    Mrs. Chen would walk eagerly toward Shen Wei  and gave an invitation. "We have a PTA Meeting I hope you and your husband can attend!" As she batting her eyes on him. "Will try to come?" Said Shen Wei  as he was about to drive away. Suddenly  Mrs. Chen hold the window and bend down almost seeing her cleavage of her breast. "You need to come! It's  for the benefit  of our children!" As she wink at him and left.

    "What's  that  for?! Yunlan  will flipped  up if he knew she's flirting with you!" Said Da quing  whose  in cat form. "Please! Don't  tell him and beside I'm not interested  in her. But my hot husband!" Said Shen Wei.

    His hot husband on the other hand sneeze as he excuse to his class and wipe his nose. "Are you alright sir?" Ask one of the student. He just nod in reply. "Maybe your hot wife is thinking of you!" As the girls giggle.  "We have a fan club just for him here sir!" Said Wang while holding a plaque.

    "You girls stop thinking of him and study hard! We will have exam tomorrow. " He shout. "Awww!!! Exam again!" Said his students. "Any of you want to question me about the exam?!" Yunlan ask them.

   But instead of the test, "Sir you two look hot when kissing!" Said
Sha Ya one if his student. "Sir did you two take bath together!" Said another female student. As another and another. Yunlan sweat. "Have anyone want to know the context  of our exam tomorrow?!" He ask them again. Suddenly  An Bai one of his student raise his hand. "Sir! How's the  feeling kissing a hot guy?!" He ask.

    Yunlan had enough, "You are all dismiss now!" As he saw the time. His students whinned. "Sir won't  even tell us!" Said Wang as she left with Sang who only chuckled. "Fan girls!" As Yunlan rolled his eyes. And left for the faculty room.

   There Professor  Yuton laugh on what happened.  As Yunlan explained  everything. "That's  your fault for having a hot wife!" Said Yuton. "Hey! You also have a hot wife!" He whined.  "Not like yours? Every women literally  gawk at Shen Wei's  every action, in smiling, drinking and even sweating?" He suddenly  whispered  to Yunlan that Mrs. Chen is eyeing his Shen Wei.

    That made Yunlan pop his eyes off. "WHAT?!!! Doesn't  she have a husband whose  rich and powerful?! Why my wife?!" He irritated ask. "Well for your information  his husband is older than her I think fifteen years! That's  why he likes your young and beautiful Wei for lunch!" As he tease Yunlan more. He didn't  notice Yunlan is errupting like Mount Vesuvius. "No one touches my wife!" He shout. Startling Professor  Fo who just happened  to walk right through  their  discussion.

    "What's  going on?!" He ask. But Yunlan ignored him and dash back to his class. "What happened?!" He ask Professor  Yuton who look innocent  at him and just shrugged.

    In the school of the twins. Lan lan is happily  playing with the other children while Wai wai is getting angry why his gege ignoring him. While squeezing a rubber ball. Two big kids suddenly  surrounded him. "Hey kid you wanna play?" They ask. Wai wai suddenly  got a bright idea. "Sure!"

    An hour pass as Shen Wei gone to the school to  get the kids. He was shocked the room of his twin was turned upside down. Children gone wild and throwing foods while the teacher is trying to stop them. His twins  shouting food fight.  The children  cheered and shout.

    "Children! What have you done!" Shout Shen Wei making all of them  stop. "Mama! Your here?!" Both twins pointed to one another.

    When they  fetch  Yunlan at the University,  he was shocked on why the twins are looking mess. As they went home and Shen Wei  explain everything.   Yunlan laugh. Shen Wei also said, "Ah Lan! We have a PTA meeting this week we must attend it for our twins." He said. "But I'm busy with my papers." Yunlan frown.

   "Then don't  worry I'll attend it myself!" When Yunlan heard that. "No! I'm coming  with you!" That made Shen Wei  look puzzle. And continue to make the twins bath. After it he scolded the twin on who started the trouble. Wai wai complain that his gege ignored him in their class. "That's  not true! I was just happy I have many friends to play with!"

    That made Shen Wei  look at his youngest son. "Mama! I just want to have fun with my new  friends but things got out of hand. They threw food at me so I threw food at them. We didn't  notice we made the other participate in our foods wars. And things got out of ......hand!" As Wai wai look guilty at his mother.

    "So my little  monster started a food war?!" Yunlan laugh. Wai wai smile innocently at his father.  But Shen Wei hush him. "Sssh! Stop! Taking his side again! If you always do that! He wouldn't  learn. "No chicken nuggets for you tomorrow! Only vegetables!" He shout.

     That made Wai wai cried, "No mama! Please not the chicken nuggets!" But as he cried hard, Lan lan take pity on his twins and cried as well. "Why are you crying Lan lan?!" Ask Shen Wei  in puzzlement. "My poor didi! Please mama don't  make him cry!" While hugging his twin and kissing his cheek. "I'll give you my share! Don't  you cry!" Said Lan lan.

    "You two!" As Shen Wei  look at Yunlan, who shrugged  his shoulder and tried not to laugh. In an hour Shen Wei  tuck his twins to sleep and went to their room. There Yunlan waiting for him at their bed. "The twins are a handful! Poor teacher Yan! If you only see him full of foods thrown at him by the children!" That made Yunlan  chuckled.  "So are you sure your coming with me at the PTA meeting this week?" Yunlan nod as he didn't  want to miss it and also want to protect  his wife from the pervert wives there.

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