Chapter 32

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Haechan was glad that he didn't have to wear the stupid wig as the curtains opened, revealing him and Soojung sitting on stools, behind the two microphone stands. Their duet was to help hype up the musical later tonight while also being the opening act of the talent show. He looked at Soojung who gave the pianist a firm nod.

The piano music began to fill the room and soon their voices joined as they sung Beauty and the Beast. The two of them sung their hearts out, letting their passions take over.

Once they finished, the audience applauded loudly, a smirk appearing on Haechan's face as the two of them stood up before taking their bows. Haechan grabbed the microphone off the stand.

"Thanks for listening to our cover of Beauty and the Beast, a sneak peek of tonight's musical. Tickets are being sold at the door so please invite your friends and family. Thank you!" Haechan annouced. The curtains quickly closed afterwards, the MC introducing the next few acts as Soojung and him began to make their way backstage.

"That was pretty good." Soojung said giving his arm a light squeeze.

"It better be pretty good, tonight's the musical." Haechan told her as they made their way to where his friends were warming up.

"I don't know, I was expecting you to get stage fright." Soojung joked, earning a glare from Haechan.

"Stage fright? I don't get stage fright!" Haechan said, puffing up his chest. The action made Soojung giggle.

"We'll see about that tonight." Soojung said giving him a wink before heading to the audience to watch the other performances.


Jeno tuned his guitar, strumming a few chords as Haneul warmed up her voice beside him. The two of them were tucked away in a corner, sitting on the floor.

"Thanks for doing this with me." Haneul said once she had finished. Jeno gave her his signature eye smile.

"It's the least I could do. Plus, you came up with most of the song anyways." Haneul replied. Soon one of the backstage workers came up to them.

"Are you Jeno and Haneul?" He asked them. They nodded back to him.

"Is it our turn?" Jeno asked.

"Yep, let's get you guys backstage." He said. The two of them followed the worker backstage. As they stood there, Jeno noticed Haneul's leg shaking. He reached out, giving her hand a small squeeze.

"You'll be great, don't be nervous alright?" Jeno said, giving her an encouraging smile. Haneul turned, giving her a small smile.

"Thanks, Jeno." Haneul said just as the lights began to dim.

"Anytime." Jeno said as they stepped onto the stage, taking their places on the stools.

This lights came back on, revealing the two of them. Jeno quickly adjusted the microphones so that it was properly aligned with his guitar and his mouth. He nodded to Haneul who took a deep breath before starting her opening worlds.

"Hello everyone!" Haneul said into the microphone. Applause abrupted from the crowd, making a huge smile spread on her face before continuing.

"This is a song that I worked on together with Jeno. Before we start, I'd like to thank Jaemin for helping write the lyrics for this piece and Jeno for being my biggest inspiration." Haneul said, surprising him.

"I present to all of you, Puzzle Piece."

Haneul gave him a small nod, signalling the start of their act. Jeno began strumming on his guitar, a small cheer coming from the crowd, which Jeno recognized to be Mark's voice. Soon, Haneul began the first verse of the song, her sweet voice filling the auditorium.

"As the world I'm heading towards
And matching up to is getting bigger
It makes me feel an emptiness somehow
Which part it is
Even if the shape is maybe like this
Even when myself can't come to know it"

Jeno took a deep breath before beginning his part.

"As if solving up the scattered pieces
We are matching up our stories
Inside the empty spot in my heart
There's a piece called you taking place"

Haneul's eyes met his as they began to harmonize.

"I just know it
At first glance I saw you"

Jeno let himself get lost in the song as he sung along with Haneul. Soon, the song was over and the crowd was clapping for them. He saw his friends standing up for the couple as they cheered in the crowd. Haneul and Jeno stood up for their bows, before making their way backstage.

As soon as Jeno had placed his guitar down, he heard a scream and felt arms wrap around him. He chuckled to himself as Haneul cried tears of joy.

"That. Felt. So. Good!" Haneul cried out. Jeno smirked before lifting her up, spinning her around. A small shriek of surprised escaped her lips as she quickly wrapped her arms around his neck. Jeno gently put her back down on her feet.

"I'm glad you're happy." Jeno said, staring into her eyes. His hands were still around her waist and her hands were still around his neck. He noticed her gaze travel from his eyes to his lips. Jeno quickly closed the space between them, placing a soft kiss on her lips.

Their moment was soon interrupted by the sound of people gagging behind Jeno. He noticed Haneul's eyes widened and turned around to see Dream standing behind him, Chenle and Jisung covering each other's eyes.

"Hate to ruin the moment, but you need to get changed." Jaemin said, giving the two a smirk. Jeno chuckled before pulling Haneul into another embrace.

"I'll watch you from the audience." Haneul said, giving his hands a quick squeeze before leaving.

"Cute kiss." Renjun said giving Jeno a wink.

"Screw off." Jeno said, lightly giving the boy a push before making his way to the changeroom.

"I lost my appetite." Jisung said, holding his stomach. Haechan rolled his eyes.

"Let's mark it a few more times while we wait for Jeno." Jaemin suggested. The boys nodded in agreement, spreading out in the space they had.


I actually love this cover of beauty and the beast ❤️

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I actually love this cover of beauty and the beast ❤️

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