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"That's sexy"

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"That's sexy"


MARCH 25th, 2014

Nick got so used to see Janis every day at work that now that it's been two days of seeing her desk empty makes him feel like he's missing something, a feeling he hasn't felt in too long. He didn't even remember the last time he felt something like that.

He's been talking with her at any chance he has, but it wasn't the same.

"Does someone know something about Janis?" Olivia asked when she left her things on the desk.

"I texted her yesterday," Amanda said, "She said today starts the trial"

"Yeah, but she said the defense fought hard to keep the forty-two women of the fraud case out" Carisi added, "She said the evidence is strong still but... anything can happen"

"So, he's guilty?" Fin asked and the three people who had kept in touch with Janis nodded "That son of a bitch... how is she?"

"She won't say," Carisi said.

But Nick knew.

Yesterday night, he talked to Janis for over an hour and she opened up to him, letting him know everything she was feeling and how anxious she was for the upcoming trial. At that moment, Nick asked her to change the subject and they spent the rest of the hour laughing while they were talking about the things they lived in Chicago.

"Do you remember that time when my dad got home earlier than we thought he would?" Janis had asked him between laughs and Nick could feel the stress he felt back on that day.

"Of course I do!" Nick had answered, laughing as well "Your mother had to go out to welcomed him so I had enough time to go through the backdoor... he would have killed me, listen... If I have cardiac problems in the future, it'll be due to that day"

Janis laughed "At that time I didn't understand your urge to go out, I was like 'Let's tell him now'" She chucked "But thinking it now... yeah, he would have killed you"

"Oh, thanks" Nick sarcastically said and that made Janis laugh even louder.

"I'm his little princess, what can I say?"

When they ended the call, Janis was calmer and he was hoping she could sleep well 'cause today would be a harder day.

Janis woke up that day feeling as she had slept for more than ten hours. Instead of how she thought would spend that night, she didn't wake up in the middle of the night or had trouble to sleep. Janis dreamed she was back in college, she walked into her house with Nick behind her and Hank and Camille were there. They looked happy to see them and went to the kitchen to have dinner once Justin and Olive arrived.

ONE MORE CHANCE | N. AMARO | L&O: SVU, CHICAGO CROSSOVERWhere stories live. Discover now