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MAY 15th, 2014

As her body was lying in his and her face was hiding in the crook of his neck, Nick's hands were still on her hips when they were trying to catch their breaths. He looked at the ceiling and wrapped his arms around her immediately wanting to feel her closer even when it was impossible.

For a moment he thought she fell asleep and when his hands looked for her face and she moved at his action, he knew she wasn't. Nick cupped her cheeks and took her lips to his. He felt her smiling before their lips touched.

Time stopped or at least that was what they both wanted to happen, at that moment all that they wanted to do was kiss each other and be that close forever, feeling each other's heat and soft lips.

They pulled apart to catch some air, they opened their eyes and that was when the moment was ruined. When Janis saw the beautiful brown eyes that Nick had, all that situation, suddenly, felt wrong. She swallowed, shook her head, and got off of him. She grabbed her robe and put it on in her way to the bathroom, leaving a confused Nick alone in the bed.

Janis' back leaned in the door now closed and her hands covered her face.

Why did she do it? She couldn't do something like that, she shouldn't have. She promised herself she crossed that line with Nick just once, that it would never happen again.

But he had something that didn't let her think clear. It was like, every time they were alone, she couldn't think in another thing than in how beautiful his eyes were, or how handsome he looked every time she looked at him.

Sighing, she placed her hands in the sink and looked at the mirror. Janis couldn't deny that those two times she had been with Nick, had made her feel great. She knew it wasn't only sex 'cause she felt safe and loved and it had been so long since the last time she felt that way.

But she couldn't ignore that side of her brain that was telling her to not fall into his arms again. She couldn't ignore it 'cause it was right. She couldn't go back at him, what if something happens again? What if he still wasn't completely honest?

But damn her heart was yearning for him.

A few minutes went by and after thinking about it, she walked out of the bathroom and the first thing she saw was that Nick was ready to go.

"Where are you going?" Janis asked so low that for a moment she thought Nick hadn't heard anything, but he turned to her.

"Uh... well, I... my house" he said, but it sounded more like a question than an affirmation.

"No," Janis said as she was pleading  giving a step to him "You wanted to talk then we're gonna talk" she added and the confidence in her voice made Nick stop from buttoning his shirt.

ONE MORE CHANCE | N. AMARO | L&O: SVU, CHICAGO CROSSOVERWhere stories live. Discover now