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JUNE 30th, 2014

"We'll have time to go to the trial?" Carisi asked, looking at his partner who was watching some videos from a security camera.

Janis wanted to go 'cause when the rest of the unit was going to be there giving moral support to Cassidy, she wanted to give moral support to Nick. She knew how stressed he was and she was hoping her presence could make everything a bit weightless.

"Yeah" Janis nodded after taking a look at the hour on the computer's screen.

Carisi looked at her, it wasn't like she wasn't dedicated to her job, but that day, she seemed to be working a little bit faster than the usual, barely talking to him or anyone. But maybe was all the situation with Nick's case.

"How's your situation with Nick?" He asked, remembering the argument they had the day before.

"Uh... fine" Janis said without looking at him "I texted him yesterday and we're fine now"

Carisi seemed to be satisfied with that answer 'cause he took his gaze back to his computer and for the next fifteen minutes, they kept working with no interruptions until Janis' phone ranged.

"Voight..." She answered, pulling her seat back a bit.

Carisi saw her face changing and a second after she looked up at him "She's fine?" She asked, alarming him when she stood up "You know what? I'll go now"

"It's everything okay?" Carisi asked, imitating her at standing up.

"Hope so," She said, grabbing her keys from her purse and heading to the captain's office where she saw the captain himself and Nick "Sorry... uh, it's my daughter" Janis showed her phone "She had an accident at her class..."

"It's okay, go..." The captain said and she didn't need to hear more to go out after thanking him.

But an hour later, she was in the car in her way to the court almost crying in frustration.

Lizzie just fell hitting her elbow in the ice. Nothing too serious happened and when she took a look at the ice rink, she saw her daughter smiling and laughing with other kids.

One of the reasons why Janis didn't want her daughter attending ice skating lessons, was because it was a risky sport, ¡for goodness sake! It was necessary the use of knives in their skates and she was so young.

A hundred things passed through her mind in her way to the school, a hundred terrible ideas rounded her head 'cause after all, they called her. They wouldn't have called if it was just a simple fall, but maybe they did 'cause they knew what she did for a living, maybe they didn't want to have problems.

Parking her car, she sighed, trying to calm down by thinking that her daughter was fine. But that didn't make her feel less stupid.

She received a text from Carisi saying Nick's testimony would continue after lunch and she arrived less than twenty minutes before that.

ONE MORE CHANCE | N. AMARO | L&O: SVU, CHICAGO CROSSOVERWhere stories live. Discover now