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MAY 01st, 2014

Janis woke up and the memories of the night hit her as soon as she opened her eyes. She was lying in her stomach and the first thing she saw was her wardrobe. She also felt someone else in bed and that was how she knew Nick was still there, but she didn't look back 'cause she didn't want to disturb him in case he was still sleeping.

So, after waiting to get used to the feeling of being awake, she reached to her nightstand for her robe and sat as carefully as she could to put it on.

Despite of what she thought she was going to be feeling, Janis wasn't feeling anything at all, not even regret. She remembered every single detail of the night, every touch and every kiss and how it felt as if time had not passed. She was more experienced and so he was, but that was the only exception, 'cause his hands on her body made her go back ten years in time.

She grabbed her phone and saw that she woke up an hour before her alarm, but that didn't stop her from wanting to take a shower. Janis left her phone back in the nightstand and jumped when she saw Nick looking at turning around.

"You scared me," Janis said, laughing a bit for the surprise of seeing him awake, "I thought you were sleeping"

"I wasn't," he said, sitting up and taking the covers off from his body. He was wearing a white tank top and his boxers "Are we gonna talk about it now or—?"

"I think there's nothing to talk about" Janis added, moving through her bedroom freer now that she knew she couldn't wake him up. She opened her wardrobe and started to pick her outfit of the day "I don't know about you, but at least I needed it. I mean, it's been stressful weeks, don't they?"

Nick didn't say anything mostly because her answer surprised him. Ten years ago, Janis wasn't the kind of girl who was hanging around just looking for one-night-stands and he didn't have that perception of her now.

"Nick?" She asked, turning to him with a grey blazer in her hands.

"Yeah, we had a lot of stress," Nick said, nodding and trying to act as unconcerned as he could.

Janis smiled a bit and turned around to keep picking her clothes "It's a good thing we're on the same page, right?" She said as Nick started to get dress "This would have been so awkward if... you know? If someone—"

"If someone had thought it meant something, I know" He snapped and if she wouldn't unconsciously be trying to protect herself, she would have noticed the tone he used at saying those words. She would have known that something wasn't right.

But Janis was so into her own world, that she didn't even notice it. The idea never crossed her mind.

"I'll head out, I don't want to be seen with yesterday's suit" Nick added, once he was all dress up.

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