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JUNE 10th, 2014


Janis and Carisi were in the car, waiting for a suspect of their latest case to walk out from a store to arrest him.

"Hit it," Carisi said, not looking away from the door of the store.

She didn't know if it was a good idea, but all her friends were in Chicago and she didn't trust anyone in New York as much as she trusted Carisi.

"But don't make any questions about it, just answer, okay?" Janis added and that was the moment when Carisi looked at her.

"Okay?" He said, frowning.

After sighing and arming herself with courage, she continued:

"If you were having a friends with benefits kind of relationship with someone, but you were also looking it could turn into something serious... as a man, how much time would you wait for her to be ready for that step?" Janis was surprised 'cause she didn't get confused with what she wanted to ask, but then, quickly added: "I mean, I'm talking hypothetically"

Carisi didn't answer right away, he just looked at his partner with a small smirk on his face. He hadn't said anything 'cause it wasn't his business, but he knew she was seeing someone for a few days.

"I said no questions!" Janis said when she looked at the man behind the steering wheel and saw him smiling and arching an eyebrow at her.

"I didn't ask anything!" He objected.

"That stupid smile is worse," she said, laughing with him "You know what? Don't say anything..."

"No, wait..." Carisi tried to stop his laughter as Janis looked again at the store "I can't answer for everyone, not all men think the same way and I need more information, I mean, it all depends on what I feel for her..."

"Just answer, Sonny"

Carisi thought for a moment and when Janis looked at him again, he answered: "I don't know. Three months? I honestly don't know"

Janis and Nick still didn't have a title; they were just enjoying their time together and after work; they had dinner, watched movies, listened to musicals, and sometimes they had sex. She knew how much Nick wanted to make things formal between them 'cause he wasn't the kind of man who was looking just for a "friends with benefits" relationship.

It's been nearly a month since Nick and Janis started with their "deal" and it had been great. They got to know each other even more and it felt like a normal relationship, but she was still worried Nick wouldn't wait until she's ready.

Half an hour later, Janis and Carisi walked into the precinct with their suspect in handcuffs. Everyone in the place looked at the bleeding nose of the man and looked at the still newest detectives.

ONE MORE CHANCE | N. AMARO | L&O: SVU, CHICAGO CROSSOVERWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu