Chapter 18

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Solargh felt the temperatures change after durgh had risen again. It was amazing so perfect their world had already started to form rivers, lakes, grass, trees and much more. New animals started roaming the world and creating homes together. It was still the same day the sun had revealed and owls still slept in their homes. There had been no sight of Starfury for hours and Destiny had not been spoken of for many days. Solargh had just arrived at Colarb, she stepped into the cave and smelt the old scents of her teammates. The nights they had slept there, were good memories, although it was only a few nights.
"Sir?" Solargh called. "I know you don't like me calling you that but, I've grown to it."
She looked around.
"Dad? Chief? Sir? FATHER?" She yelled.
Her voice echoed throughout the cave. She searched and searched but to no remark. He was not found, she left the cave and went back to her friends. The sky was growing pink and the sun started to disappear behind the mountains. Solargh didn't notice it until she met up with her friends.
"Solargh'! The moon is back!" Desron squealed.
"Eternal night once again!" Cara yelled.
"Any luck with chief?" Corrow asked.
Solargh lifted up her head, she stared a while before answering.
"He's gone.." Solargh cried.
"What?" Corrow replied. He raced towards her and licked her tears away.
"Why would he dissapear? The sun is so perfect." Cara stated.
"Wait a minute. I have one question. Why did Opharlos turn into ash." Desron asked.
"The footprints, the ash. Opharlos.." Corrow mumbled.
"What?" Solargh said.
"Chief has gone to investigate that ash. Unless he's become ash hisself."

The wind blew as a fresh day came to an end. The pink clouds above warned there will be no showers and tomorrow again will be sunny. The large footprints still were deep in the soil, but were not as clear as usual. The ash pile where the footprints ended had grown much larger. Now next to the creatures footprints were tiny wolf footprints. They were clear and fresh. They smelt familiar.
The black wolf Corrow stood beside the ash. His blue eyes shed sparkling tears.
"The sun was too overpowering for Sandro."
"Sandro... You mean chief." Another black wolf said. It was Desron, his brown eyes stayed strong and there were no tears.
"Yes, chief not Sandro." Corrow mumbled.
"Desron, Corrow, Cara. Could we please preform a ceremony for my dad." Solargh sighed.
"Of course. We shall howl for him." Corrow replied.
The wolves let out the most wonderful howls, soft long and loud. They stood there all howling a meaningless speech, as the night came upon them.

"If we let those wolves esca-"
"Listen." A little grey owl interrupted a medium rose owl.
"There howling." Piped a brown owl.
"No there mourning!" Said another.
Grey, bronze, brown, white, black, rose owls and owlets were scattered around a large cave.
"SHUT UP!" The rose owl squawked.
"Sorry Lillithen." Said a little black owl.
"That black chief wolf killed Dijergh!" She screeched. "I don't see how we can just let them get away with this without killing one of their pack members too?"
The owls started to hoot to each other.
"Look, i know it's exciting!" The owls started to quiet down. "But we mustn't tell the wolves our plan." She hopped over to the other owls and started whispering a plan.

The night was still young, but to the wolves it felt old.
"Hey! We were so busy caring about chief that-"
"What's wrong with caring about my dad?" Said Solargh.
"No I mean, we forgot about the slabs." He finished.
Corrow gasped. "We should go get them."
"No Corrow wait!" Solargh ran after him. "They weren't in Colarb."
"So you're saying they've been taken?" Cara said.
"Possibly, but maybe chief hid them before he took his own life."
"Wait, wait, wait, you think he suicided? That's not like him."
"Cara I think I know my dad better than you."
"Girls stop!" Desron chuckled. "Look the slabs are gone, and we aren't sure wether he suicided or not, it could have even been fake. He might not even be dead!"
"Sorry Solargh." Cara said
"Hmmf. Corrow let's go." Solargh walked straight past the wolves and Corrow followed.
"Solargh. I-"
"Duck!" Solargh yelled to Corrow. Starfury came flying directly above them in a star formation. Corrow lifted up his head and peeked through one of his eyes.
"I think that was Starfury." Said Corrow.
"Probably. But Corrow, why would they come?"
"I don't know I thought we had dealt with them."
A black owl and a rose owl flew over head and landed in front of them. The other forty members of Starfury flew just above the owls.
"This is my newest member and vice leader, Lillithen."
The wolves growled at the owls.
"Oh no need for violence." Said Lillithen.
The wolves started sniffing the rose owl.
"Keep away from her!"
"Were just communicating." Desron said. Corrow slapped Desron with his paw.
"Youch!" Desron howled.
"You all may have brought back the sun, but the cycle of night and day will never end!" Lillithen said.
The wolves growled at the owls. Lillithen flinched and hopped backwards. Midnight stepped forwards until the wolves paw was almost directly in front of the owls talons.
"I want you to know, that you can't always be the hero.. In someways the owls are equal to the wolves, but today shall be a ceremony, for the sun has risen and we have slept for the first time in years." Midnight flew upwards and his feathers camouflaged into the sky. "The wolves shall never be the hero again!" He flew up into to the sky until all you could see were his beady purple eyes. The other owls flew up and created a star formation into the sky. Lillithen took a few steps forward.
"You're all so pathetic." She mumbled. As she spread her wings to fly up there was a dash of white and a loud crack.
"What in Stratton was that!" Corrow mumbled. There was a flurry of feathers and a deep growl was heard.
"Solargh!" Cara screeched. She raced toward the frantic owl and mad wolf.
"No, no, no.." A voice hooted. Corrow froze in pain, it was pain but fake pain. There was the pain of a soul ripping apart from his own, and he flopped to the ground.
"The rose owl lay on the ground. The look in her eyes was lifeless, she was dead. Huge patches of feathers were torn from her flesh, bones stuck out of her neck and wings. There was a puddle of blood beneath her and a blood stained, white wolf shadowing over her.
"S-Solargh.." Cara whispered. "Are you okay?"
Solargh stared at the lost soul, panting and blood dripping from her mouth. Corrow stood up and walked over to her. He collapsed in front of her.
"Huh.." She switched to Corrow lying on the ground. "Corrow! What happened!"
"Twilight.. She-" he puffed.
Solargh immediately knew what was wrong. She had killed an owl! Twilight the black owl that had followed them and helped them along their journey had now left. It was the wolves last straw. Anger had led them to madness, and the death of two owls was overwhelming for Twilight. Her soul had parted from the wolves and was never coming back.

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