Chapter 20

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"What in Stratton do you mean?" Solargh asked.
"I'm going mad." He corrected himself.
"You... You are!" Cara agreed.
The wolves stared.
"We have to create a raft." Corrow said.
"But my father.." Solargh replied.
"He's.... Dead."
"I-I know.."
"Well if were making a raft we better get going, it's already sun still." Desron said.
"Sun still?" Asked Cara.
"Sun still is when the sun is still in the sky. Other times it's rising or setting."
"Did you make that up yourself?"
Corrow finished cutting down the tree and dragged the long log over to the other wolves.
"String, trees preferably quite a few, and something to control it." Corrow mumbled to himself.
"Is this what we need for the raft?" Cara asked.
"I think so." Desron replied.
"We need Joliah." Corrow sighed. "We can't do this alone."
"Well a great wolf once told me, that friends always stick together. So we should stick with Joliah." Solargh said patting Corrow on the back.
"When did I say that?"
"Huh? You didn't, Sandro did." Solargh chuckled.

"Joliah, were planning on making a raft out of some wood, and stuff." Desron mumbled.
"We need your help!" Cara begged.
Joliah laughed. He walked over to his bag and pulled out a long peice of string.
"I thought we might be able to use something to tie the raft together, and some wood for the base but-" Corrow paused when he saw Joliah with some rope.
"Yes well you had the right idea! You're just lucky I have some rope. And this much of it! You will have to repay me with more though. Later.." He said.
"Oh thank you so so much!" Cara said. She jumped over to Joliah and wrapped her arms around him.
"Right.. Well, look. You wolves want a raft. What for?" He asked.
"I want to travel to another island." Corrow said.
"But, why? And you couldn't possibly know how far away the next island is.. This island is fine!" He yelled.
"That's it, that's why we need you.. I think you may be able to show us an island. You said you were the king of the jungle. There's obviously no jungle here, so there must have been on another island!"
"Well, dear Corrow you are correct. I was the king of the jungle, that's true. But I wasn't planning on showing any wolf or thing my jungle!"
"Come on Joliah. You know you want to go home. Just tell us and we can go together!" Cara said.
"Look, this island is corrupted." Corrow said.
"He's right." Solargh agreed.
"Well not completely, but I understand if you don't want to live so close to the most powerful thing in the world!" Joliah yelled.
Corrow looked around at his peers. They all seemed to be smiling and looked likes hey agreed, Corrow figured they were all ready for adventure!
"So, how?" Corrow asked.
"If you want to go to my home island, we will. It may take a while to gather resources but we can do it!"
"Yay!" Cara screeched.
"Corrow, can I talk to you in private." Solargh whispered, as the other wolves chatted among themselves.

"Why do you think this island is corrupted?" She asked.
"I thought you agreed." Corrow said.
"Well, I don't! This island isn't corrupted at all, the only corrupt thing about I is that it's making us mad."
"Well yeah, maybe I phrased it wrong. It makes us corrupted."
"Corrow, corruption is when you turn evil not mad!" Solargh paused. "You know the cave of ancient wolf?"
"What about it?"
"Whenever I'm there, I feel normal, but when I'm outside of it, I feel mental. It's like that's the only sane thing on this island!"
"I get that too!"
"But Joliah made it sound like the stone was bad, in yet her words the whole cave is bad!"
"You know that art on the walls, I thought that wolves may have made that art."
"Ohh, my head hurts. I can't understand it. I don't think any wolf can. Let's just get to making this raft so we can get off this corrupted island." Solargh winked.
Corrow smirked and they walked back into the tent.

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