Chapter 22

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"So when do you think were going to get off this island." Cara asked.
"In a few days, maybe a week or two." Joliah estimated.
The wolves never quite understood what he said, but a wolf that has lived for years can not help but speak the words he knows.
"Sounds like a while." She replied uneasily.
The wolves bit the rope and together they tied the logs together to create the raft.
"It's building a shape." Joliah said happily.
"I think we need about two more logs, then we need to tie them and we have the base." Corrow explained.
"You seem to know quite a bit about building rafts." Joliah replied.
Corrow pulled out the hatchet and started to hack a tree. The other wolves stood there watching him cut it down slowly. It was such a fine process, slow and strange, yet it felt so normal, like another animal once before did the same thing.
"Corrow that should be great." Joliah said.
The wolves had learnt a new way to carry the logs which helped when the tree was far away from their raft. They would strengthen their backs then tense their muscles whilst waiting underneath the log, so that when it fell it would rest on the wolves backs and they could simply carry it to the raft.
"Man this ones heavy." Desron moaned.
They walked over to the raft and carefully placed the log beside it.
"Perfect, now we just need to tie it up. Rope please." Joliah said.
"It's not here." Cara replied.
"It's not here, it's gone. Some wolf has taken it!"
Corrow looked around in the trees, he saw the rope hanging down from a branch. "Not necessarily a wolf, but rather an owl."
He leaped up into the low branches of the tree and clambered up higher and higher until he reached the rope.
"The owl must have tried to fly away with the rope and it got caught in this tree. You can clearly see it's been ripped." He explained.
"We may not have enough now! Corrow come down from the tree with the rope." Joliah said.
He leaped down from the tree top and gracefully landed on the soft flowing grass.
"That may do for now, but we will have to get the rest back. Later.." Joliah sighed.
"It's sun still." Solargh warned.
The wolves looked up into the sunlit sky.
"Let's work hard with what we've got, from now on no wolf leaves the raft without another wolf guarding, we will have to lower the number of carry wolves down to three so that one wolf can stay here." Corrow said.
"I will, I'm not very good anyway with three legs." Solargh offered.
"Well, if you want. It's completely up to you wolves to decide."
"Let's try this again!" Joliah said.
He dragged the rope over to the raft and tied the log on. "Simple." He said.
"I think it's about time we taught you a lesson." A voice said.
"Huh!" Corrow spun around.
"You aren't getting away this time!" A wolf growled.
Blue eyed wolves started surrounding them and a large grey and white chief came dragging in a rotting corpse with a strikah sticking into it's brain. His blue eyes were evil and it looked like icy mist drained out the corners.
"Destiny. For what.. Wings." The large wolf said
"We have already achieved it." Corrow stepped forwards and started to speak their strange language.
"We are star bound."
"Star bound?"
"Connected by the stars."
The large wolf closed his eyes and imagined the wolves wings.
"You are in the cave."
"The scarvings tell of our future. They change."
"They do change. They have changed. Your destiny has changed Corrow."
"Corrow! Are you okay?" Solargh yelled.
"I am fine."
"We must leave."
"Why did you come?" Corrow sat down. His eyes were only white as if they had rolled back into his head.
"To warn you, about Starfury."
"Thank you, we know they are coming."
"No, thank you Corvus." The large wolf walked away and his pack members followed behind.
Corrow blinked a few times and then his eyes went back to a blue.
"Corrow what is wrong with you. You just spoke with the leader of Destiny." Solargh yelled running up to him.
"I-I have no idea what I was saying, I was uncontrollable." He replied.
"We could barley follow what you were talking about, but I did catch most of it." Cara stepped forwards. "You said something about being star bound and he called you Corvus." Cara finished.
"I know what I said, I couldn't control it or see anything though." He said.
"Corrow I don't want this to sound rude but, Corvus is a star." Joliah said.
"Are you saying that I'm a star."
"Well, not necessarily, maybe he just called you Corvus because he-"
"No, that's cool!" Corrow interrupted.
Desron's eyes widened. "Yeah it's really cool, it's awesome!"
Every wolf looked at him.
"I-I just thought Corrow was trying to be like me but- never mind.." He sighed.
"It's sun down." Joliah warned. "Let's head back."

Corrow lay on the pelt next to Solargh and snuggled up to her to stay warm. Desron lay on top of Cara as she slept and Joliah lay in his tent. The soft summer wind blew through the wolves pelts, tonight Corrow felt alive. He felt different, like he was not a wolf but another animal. He felt as though he could howl into the stars and they would carry him away. He believed he was more than what they said he was, he believed he was a star.

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