Chapter 24

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"Thank you so much Joliah. We'd be dead without you!" Cara said whilst munching on some rabbit hind.
"Oh, no problem. It's really quite simple to kill a deer or caribou. There's even hares now, after the-" He paused. "Resolution."
"That sounds like a good name for it!" Desron said.
All the wolves nodded in agreement.
"If we are creating a tiller and a sail, we are going to all need to get to work soon." Joliah explained. "Come!"

Stumps now surrounded the raft, the wolves had used over four trees to build this raft.
"Corrow I'm heading back to the owls to get the string and a knife from Destiny." He paused and looked out into the the distance. "Would you like to come with?"
"Corrow, you be careful." Cara said.
Solargh walked up to the wood that Corrow had collected yesterday. There was a fat peice of wood and it had twigs and branches zigging off it.
"Solargh, we need to cut another tree. Corrow left his hatchet behind for you." Desron said.
Solargh walked over to the sharp tool and picked it up in her mouth. She then raced off into the forest to find a tree.
"A sail is tall and the wind blows the mast." She said strange words in her head, how did she know what a sail was?
A tall thin tree stood ahead of her. Images of Corrow flashed through her mind, Corrow wasn't ext to a small tree hacking it down. Then an owl flew off it, and Corrow attacked it. She shook the bad thoughts out of her mind, but they would not leave. She hacked the tall tree down and then carried it back to the raft.
"I did not!" Cara yelled.
"Then where are they?" Desron argued.
"I don't have them, Corrow does, there in his satchel!"
"Yeah right."
"Solargh! Explain to this freak that I don't have the meat!" Cara said as she spotted Solargh emerge from the forest.
"Who you calling a freak!" Desron yelled.
Solargh walked straight towards the raft and started observing the long she had found. It was perfect, it had twigs to tie a mast on and was thin and tall.
"A few chops here and there." How did she know this. Did she overhear Joliah in her sleep?
"Solargh, what's that even for?"
"The sail." She interrupted.
"Oh, ok.." Cara sighed.
"Can I help?" Desron asked.
"No! We are awaiting Corrows commands." Solargh yelled.

"Destiny, where's the knife!" Joliah screamed.
"What do you want it for punk!" Said a Destiny grunt.
"To kill you!" Corrow joked.
The grunts ran away from the large cave they were guarding.
"Corvus, we've been waiting for you!" Said the chief.
"Corvus? His name is Corrow!" Joliah corrected.
"That's..." Corrow did not know how to reply.
"Corrow, get the knife." Joliah whispered.
"Hey chief. Do you have that knife?" Corrow asked.
"Actually, I gave it to Starfury, for unknown reasons. They said it was important though." He replied.
"Right! Solargh's leg." Corrow sighed. Remembering how horrible he had treated her that one time. Corrow raced out of the cave.
"Thank you for your help." Joliah yelled quickly before following behind Corrow.

"So Starfury took it. What for?" Joliah said.
"They took it for Solargh's leg to cut it off!" Corrow yelled. "Sorry I thought you would know."
"I'm sorry, it must break your heart when you talk about it."
"What in Stratton do you mean?"
"Well she used to be a normal wolf but now, she's-" He paused. "You may not know but, she's unlovable."
"Why would that be of any importance to me. And why would she be unlovable anyway?"
"Wolves with a deformity are not allowed to be loved."
"What in- Who made up that rule!"
"Those strange creatures."
"Ridiculous! They love whoever they want!"
"That is not true, they do not want to love each other if they have deformities. They say it's too sad, and the creatures are too ugly."
"How do you know all of this?"
"I was abducted."
"What! How have you not told any wolf this?"
"I have no wolf to tell. They abducted me and fed me, but they watched me endlessly everyday, I was trapped in this cage. Eventually they set me free, they said something about a threat of the world ending. Don't ask."
"Look, we have no idea where Starfury's camp is, they usually find us."
"Then we will just have to keep searching. I have an idea, Persial?"

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