Chapter one

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Yesung is nervously looking at his reflection in a mirror in his wardrobe. He is too nervous for eating or sleeping so he fixed his tie, took his bag and left his one-room flat. It is early in the morning and he will be in Choi's company too early but at least a short walk might calm down his nerves.

Yesung graduated at Seoul national university three weeks ago and today is the day of his first job interview. He is incredibly lucky that Choi's law company is looking for new employees because they are the best. Yesung isn't very confident and doesn't think that they will hire him but he has to start searching for a job. He has quite a big debt thanks to his student loans and already works in a restaurant on the weekend and sometimes during the week. Yesung is standing in front of a huge modern skyscraper where is also Choi's company offices. Yesung took a deep breath and walked inside. He made his ways to elevators and it took him on the fifteenth floor. Yesung went to

reception where is already sitting a young girl and she gave him some documents which he has to fill out. He sat down and started to fill the papers while more people start to come. Some of them work for Choi's company and some of them sat down next to Yesung and fill their papers too.

Yesung doesn't look at them and stares on a white wall until a lady came to get him. She led him to the boss's office which is a huge room with walls made from glass so the boss can see his workers. Yesung walked inside the office and sees no one. He isn't sure if he can sit down so he is standing there awkwardly and waits. There are black wooden shelves with few photos in silver frames and some diplomas next to awards from law competitions. The floor is covered with luxury looking white-silver carpet and in the corner behind Yesung is standing black leather couch and glass coffee table. In front of Yesung is a big table made from glass and metal. On the table is an Apple computer and silver name tag with a black letter. Choi Siwon. Name of his possible future boss. On the boss's side of the table is a chair made from black leather and on Yesung's side of the table are two smaller chairs made from white leather. Yesung steps on the spot and flinched when the door behind him opened. Yesung quickly turned around and to his shock, his bag hit the name tag so it fell down. Yesung wants to die on spot and immediately lifted it and put it on its previous spot.

He bowed deeply to the man who is staring at him and thinks if he should leave right now. The man is probably reading his mind but he pointed at the two chairs.

"Sit down."

Yesung blinked away his tears and sat down. Why does he need to be so stupid and clumsy? Wherever he comes he makes something awkward like this.

Siwon is the kind of boss who likes everything perfect so he is always choosing new workers on his own. He is reading the documents about Yesung but doesn't pay attention to them because he is busy with watching this young man. Siwon sees that he is on edge of tears and he coughed to clear his throat.

"Tell me why should I give you this job."

Siwon put the papers away and put his elbows on the desk of his table. He is staring at Yesung who doesn't know what to do with his hands. Siwon looks on the cute tiny hands and smiled for himself. This Kim Yesung is like a little bunny who saw a wolf coming to him. He loves such submissive boys and the way how are they trembling and nervous.

"I am really hard worker and .... I am learning fast, I don't mind working overtime or heavy workload."

Siwon is reading his CV again and sees that he isn't lying. He was best in his class and SNU isn't an easy school. Siwon sent him away and called in another candidate but his mind is still with Yesung. He really wants to see this bunny in his office more often.

Siwon finished the other interviews quickly. Few girls who were trying to get this job with deep V neck and few males who weren't so cute as Yesung. After two hours he is done with the candidates and told his secretary to get Kim Yesung.

"Congratulation and welcome in Choi's law company."

Boss in office, daddy in bedroomWhere stories live. Discover now