Chapter forty two

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Yesung occasionally visits his mother and this time she gave him an envelope. She doesn't say what is inside so it is a big surprise when Yesung opened the envelope and reads the short letter.

Siwon doesn't know what happened, he only sees that Yesung is sitting in his office completely pale and shocked. Of course that Siwon goes to ask him what happened and Yesung showed him the letter. Siwon always thought that Yesung's father died, maybe. So why does he want to meet Yesung after so many years?

That is a mystery and Yesung doesn't know what he should think. He had no idea that his father is still in Korea, what if they have met and didn't know about it? Yesung reads the letter again and can't believe it. His dad wants to meet him to explain everything. In two days he could see his dad after so many years. Time is flying and Yesung doesn't know if he wants to see him. But maybe he should meet him, he wants to know why he left. So that decision brings him here - right in front of house of his father. Yesung can't believe it, he and his mom lived in a tiny flat and his father has a big, nice house? Yesung rang on the doorbell and in few seconds an older man opened the front door.

"Yesung?! I am so happy that you came!"

The man leads him inside the house where is sitting a man around Yesung's age and an older woman.

"Yesung, this is my son Jongjin and my wife."

Yesung nodded and looked around the nice house. They even have a pretty garden. The woman is trying to chat with him and Jongjin only stares on his new brother. It is so awkward. Yesung wants to yell on them, he wants to scream and kick while thinking about what he lost. His father left him, his mother said that it is his fault. Jongjin left because of his football training and she goes in the kitchen to make tea for them. Yesung turned to his father and glares on him.

"Why did you come after so many years?"

Yesung's father sat next to him and sighed.

"I suffered from stroke few weeks ago and back then I realized my mistakes so now I am trying to fix everything bad what I did."

He feels really bad because he left his son and girlfriend but he was young and didn't feel ready to being a father. It is hard to explain why did he run away, he only wants to fix his mistakes and this is the biggest one. Yesung is looking around the living room and sees lots of photos of his father and his new family. This isn't fair. Jongjin has everything and Yesung has what? He spent his childhood studying and listening to his mother's angry yelling that he ruined everything.

Yesung feels tears in his eyes and got up.

"I need to go."

He wants to stop Yesung from almost running away but Yesung quickly took his jacket and hurries away. After few minutes of walking he found a bench and collapsed on it to take a break. He doesn't know why but he started to cry hysterically. Few people gave him curious looks when he started to scream.

After few minutes he calmed down and got up. He wants to go home and hide under their bed, like he used to when he was child.

When Yesung got home, he is almost ready to yell again. His father caused that he looks like an idiot. He didn't even know how to ride a bike. However, Siwon is looking on him and Yesung feels that he is slipping in his little space and can't stop it.

"What is wrong bunny?"

Yesung wants to yell but everything is stuck in his head. He pulled on his hair in frustration and Siwon hugs him. He sees that the meeting with his father didn't go well and wants to punch the stupid man in his empty head. Siwon rubs his back and let Yesung to cry his poor heart out. He slipped in his little space and it is impossible to express what little Yesung feels right now so he let Siwon to soothe him. After few minutes he is too tired to cry anymore and Siwon grabs his hand and leads him in the kitchen to pour him a glass of juice. Yesung holds the glass in his small hands and drinks while hiccuping and sobbing. Siwon looked in his sad face and smiled a bit.

"Do you want to cuddle?"

Yesung nodded and Siwon carried him in the living room. He sat down and sat Yesung in his lap and starts to stroke his hair. Yesung is clinging to his daddy and takes deep breaths to calm down. He feels better in his daddy's arms because now it doesn't matter if he know how to ride a bike or not. His daddy loves him no matter what.

Boss in office, daddy in bedroomOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora