Chapter twenty eight

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Siwon woke up alone in their bed and has no idea when did Yesung leave. He got up and walked out of the dark bedroom. It is very early in the morning so he turned on the lights and gasped. Yesung is sitting curled into small ball on the couch and mindlessly stares out of the huge window.


Siwon slowly sat down next to him and strokes his hair.

"Aren't you cold?"

Yesung shakes his head no but his bare feet are cold as piece of an ice. Siwon gets a blanket and wrapped it around Yesung.

"Do you want to speak about it?"

Yesung shakes his head no again and Siwon gives him some space.

"Maybe what about some breakfast?"

Yesung shakes his head no again and Siwon sighed. He is staring on the black TV screen and listens to ticking off clock which are hanging on wall in the kitchen. Siwon is thinking about how to make Yesung happy but it is hard. A puppy? Some jewelry? How to make his baby happy again?

After a long time of thinking hard Siwon happily smiled.

"I have an idea! What about small trip?"

Yesung only looked on him with his tired eyes and shrugged again but Siwon is sure with this. Japan will cure his depressed sweetheart.

In few hours Siwon packed their bags and bought plane tickets to Tokyo. He forced Yesung to take a shower and dressed him. It looks weird, a handsome man with huge smile is dragging a petite sad boy behind him but luckily no one stopped them. They boarded their plane and Yesung doesn't look any happier. Siwon is smiling and grabbed his hand while speaking about everything what they can do and see in Japan. When they landed Siwon ordered a taxi and it takes them in Prince Park Tower Tokyo where is their room. Siwon is amazed by the luxury room with great view and points on everything they can see but Yesung is only sitting on bed and stares into nothing. He still can't deal with fact that Siwon knows about everything what happened between him and Kyuhyun. Yesung feels that he made Siwon dirty and can't look on him.

"Yesung, I am going on order lunch, okay?"

Siwon is reading the menu and then ordered twenty different kind of food. When it arrived Siwon started to eat and shouts in happiness over the great tastes but it can't persuade Yesung to eat. He is still sitting there completely sad and drained out of energy. Siwon is eating and Yesung laid down on the bed, still dressed and with his shoes on. Siwon sighed and suddenly the food doesn't taste so great.

"They also have a bowling salon ..."

Siwon is hopefully smiling on him but Yesung only shrugged. Siwon laid down in the bed next to him and kissed his cheek.

"Well I guess that we can have a nap right now."

In few minutes they are both sleeping and Siwon wrapped his arms around Yesung. They are sleeping for two hours and then Siwon realized one important thing. Cute baby like Yesung needs to visit cute place - Harajuku. The best place in Harajuku is Shibuya 109 which is store filled with only cute, cute and more cute fashion. Yesung looks around the store and really likes this place but doesn't choose anything. Siwon grabs his hand and started to lead him though the huge store.

"This is cute! Or this!"

Siwon is choosing many things for his baby who still isn't smiling. Siwon sighed but buys the things which he chose. He is holding two bags full of new clothes, toys and more gifts for Yesung and then heads in Disney store. Yesung really likes this place but feels so bad. Someone dirty as him can't be here surrounded by so many nice things, he doesn't deserve gifts and toys. After few hours they go back in their hotel and Yesung curled into small ball on the bed. Siwon put the bags on couch and sighed.

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