Chapter twenty seven

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It is just a regular and quite sunny day in May. It is also day when they ended earlier in office and Yesung was so happy to leave early, he likes working as a lawyer but he also wants to have some fun. Unfortunately he has no idea that an ugly storm in dashing toward Seoul. They arrived home and sees few movers and vans standing in front of the apartment building. They probably got a new neighbor which isn't weird because these apartments are very nice and luxury. Siwon and Yesung got in an elevator and the doors are already closing when someone stopped it. A man pushed himself inside and pants. He is carrying a heavy box and Siwon is annoyed that this stranger got in their elevator and didn't even apologize. At least this man is going on the same floor.

The elevator stopped and Yesung is able to catch a glimpse of the man's face. He immediately froze and pressed his back on wall of the elevator to make himself invisible but luck isn't on his side and the man saw him.


Yesung pushed a button to close the elevator's door again but then man dropped his box there so they don't close. Siwon is staring on them and sees that Yesung is really pale and shakes a bit.

"I have wished to see you and apologize."

The man tries to touch Yesung but then Siwon sees his baby angry for the first time.

"Don't touch me!"

Yesung yelled and startled them both. He pushed around the man and runs to their apartment. He is fumbling with his keys and finally unlocked the door. Yesung runs inside and heads in bedroom where he broke down.

This can't be happening! This isn't possible!

Yesung is yelling inside his head and tugs on his hair. South Korea is such a huge country with more than 50 millions of people and this one particular man is now here, in the same apartment building as him!

Siwon walked in the apartment and goes to find Yesung. He needs to know what happened between him and that man from the elevator and why did it make Yesung so angry. He found Yesung curled into a ball in corner of their bedroom and sat down on the floor next to him.

"Who is he? Why does he want to apologize to you?"

Yesung is crying and his body is violently shaking with sobs. Siwon put his arm around his shoulders and hugs him.

"Please, tell me what happened."

Yesung shakes his head no because that man isn't part of a nice memories. They are siting there for more than hour until Yesung calmed down. Siwon gets a towel damped in cold water and gently grabs Yesung's small chin. He lifted his head and cleaned his tears stained face. Siwon kissed his swollen cheeks and cupped his face in his big warm hands.

"Please Yesung, I want to help you but first you need to speak with me."

Yesung shakes his head no again and hided his face in crook of Siwon's neck. They stay like this, in silent and Siwon is rubbing Yesung's back. It is almost dark outside when Yesung lifted his head and his red eyes turned to Siwon. Maybe that he is ready to speak about what happened with someone like Siwon.




Yesung and that man were studying at the same university. The man's name is Kyuhyun and he was Yesung's biggest rival. They were both the best students and fought for the first place in their class but other than that they were completely different. Kyuhyun is from nice and rich family, while Yesung has only his mother and an annoying part time job in a supermarket. Kyuhyun also had many friends and suddenly they got an idea - they wanted to ruin Yesung. On end of the first year of college Kyuhyun threw a party in his house because his parents were in Europe so there was no one to stop him.

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