Chapter forty five

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Siwon and Yesung are leaving the office very tired but also happy that a weekend is in front of them. They are going to relax and enjoy time together, only two of them. After the drama that happened three weeks ago they need rest so much.

The elevator took them in the underground car park. Siwon got stopped by a woman from his company and he handed car keys to Yesung. Siwon is speaking with her while Yesung got in the car and turned on the radio. He is trying to find some good song and not news but suddenly pair of hands sneaked from back of his seat. He doesn't see the pair of hands in black gloves, he is leaning toward the radio and tries to find something good to listen. Yesung shortly screamed but one hand blocked his mouth. He kicks around but he can't break free. Suddenly something sharp is stabbed in side of his neck. Yesung flailed his arms around but his mind is quickly getting dazed and after few more seconds everything went black.

Siwon is finally able to get rid of her and happily smiled while walking to his car. Unfortunately he didn't make it because someone has jumped on his back. Siwon wants to yell but a cloth is pressed over his nose and mouth. He fights with the attacker but he is holding him tightly. He is trying to grab the attacker but his limbs are getting heavier and he can't lift them anymore. Siwon collects last pieces of strength in his body to fight for the last time but another man appeared and grabs his legs. Siwon just can't stay awake and let his mind to shut down.

Member of security guard doesn't think that looking after cars is a good job. His shift is always boring and long but then a man showed up and gave him three hundred dollars. He only had to turn off the cameras for thirty minutes. He didn't think about it twice and simply turned off the cameras without any idea about what is going on. The two men tossed Siwon in back of a black van and another man brings unconscious Yesung. Door of the van closed and the vehicle left. Meanwhile they tied hands of the victims behind their backs and pulled black bags over their heads. They don't know that Siwon woke up. They even don't know that they mess the commands. Siwon was the one who should have gotten the injections with sedatives, while Yesung was the one who should have been knocked out by a chloroform. Their mistake caused that Siwon is already awake and feels another smaller body pressed to his side. It must be Yesung. Siwon is worried that maybe Yesung is harmed and he can't see him. Siwon is trying to stay calm, he has to stay calm so he can think and come with some plan. Siwon fights with the handcuffs but they are made from steal, what he can do with them? Siwon is thinking about what does this mean. Who could kidnap them?

Yes, he is a lawyer but this is too much. His company often deals only with divorces and not with some dangerous things that could end with being kidnapped. Siwon is thinking how to get away from this situation when the vehicle suddenly stopped. They pulled Siwon out and carried him somewhere. Siwon expected that they will throw him on floor but they laid him on something soft. Siwon hears some muffled voices and then he is alone for a while. He wants to scream for help but his body isn't listening him and only a weak whimper left his throat. Suddenly a quick steps stopped right next to him and Siwon flinched when someone pushed sleeve of his shirt up. Something cold pinched his skin and Siwon suddenly feels so sleepy. His body is fighting hard against the drugs but it is useless and he lost.

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