Chapter forty nine

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Ryeowook is ready to bring Siwon back in his arms tonight. He was thinking hard about Siwon and Yesung and came with an amazing solution. Today he arrived sooner from work and started to cook dinner. He put a chicken in the oven and then he unlocked door leading in the basement. He turned on the lights and sees Yesung's small figure lying where he left him and walked next to him. Ryeowook kicked the unconscious young man in ribs and smiled.

"Wakey wakey, tonight is a special party!"

Of course that Yesung doesn't respond and Ryeowook grabbed him under armpits and starts to drag him upstairs. Yesung is very light so Ryeowook has no problem with lifting him on the dining table. Then Ryeowook takes few leather straps and started to tie Yesung to the table. One strap is leading over his waist and Ryeowook tightly fastened it. Another pair of cuffs go around his ankles and wrists and Ryeowook tied them to legs off the dining table. Then he forced a cloth gag in his mouth and goes to check their dinner. It is almost ready and then he went upstairs to prepare Siwon.

Ryeowook opened door of the bedroom and Siwon doesn't bother to lift his head because he knows that it is only him. Ryeowook wheeled a wheelchair next to the bed and pulled out a syringe full of muscles relaxants. He stabbed the needle in his arm and waits for few minutes. After a while he is sure that the drugs are working and Ryeowook unlocked the cuffs. He pulled Siwon in the wheelchair and pulled out a plastic zip ties and tied Siwon's wrists to armrests off the chair and tied his ankles together.

"Let's have a dinner."

Ryeowook smiled and wheeled Siwon in the dining room. Siwon wants to cry when he saw Yesung tied to the table and fights with the zip ties.

"Ryeowook, please let him go. He has nothing to do with this!"

Ryeowook shakes his head no and wheeled Siwon next to the dining table right in front of Yesung who is still unconscious. Ryeowook goes to get their dinner and then brings two plates with food and put them down on the table. He takes a fork and pushed big piece of meat in Siwon's mouth.

"I hope that I cook well. But you have enough time to learn to love my cooking."

Ryeowook pushed another piece of meat in his mouth and Siwon desperately fights with his restrains but he can't even control movements of his neck.

"Ryeowook, please ..."

The man got angry and tossed the fork away.

"Why are you like this?! I am giving you my whole heart and you are rejecting me?"

Ryeowook takes a sharp knife and stands above Yesung. He poured a glass of cold water in his face and Yesung started to cough. He starts to thrash in the cuffs and yells behind the gag which is stuffed in his mouth.

"You are rejecting me because of him?!"

Ryeowook takes the knife and cuts off Yesung's shirt.

"He isn't better than me!"

Yesung is crying in fear because Ryeowook is really scary. He looks crazy with glassy eyes and messy hair while he is running around the dining room with the long knife still in his hand.


Ryeowook goes in the kitchen and starts to heat up water. He is angrily mumbling something and then came back with a kettle full of boiling water.

"He is going to be so ugly that no one will look at him."

With that Ryeowook poured the water over Yesung. Siwon is watching how the boiling water meet Yesung's delicate skin. Everything in the room is silent for a while and a terrible smell is filling the room. Yesung is screaming, Ryeowook is screaming, Siwon is screaming. Suddenly Yesung's eyes rolled back in his head and he fainted. Ryeowook is standing above him and threw the kettle away. Siwon broke down in tears and wants to get to him so badly but he can't move. The zip ties are cutting his wrists and thrashes around but he can't get out. Ryeowook jumped to Siwon and kissed him on lips. Siwon hit Ryeowook in face with his head and Ryeowook starts to bleed from his nose. He fell down and grabs his injured nose. He is yelling in pain and grabs the knife which he dropped before. Ryeowook is blinded with his anger and jumps to Siwon but suddenly few men in blue uniforms stormed inside. Ryeowook froze and one of the men tackled him to ground.

Siwon is staring on the police men who are filling the room and finally one of them cut the zip ties and Siwon is free. His legs are still stiff but he managed to shakily stand up and stumbled to the dining table.

"Yesung ..."

He takes his tearstained face in his palms and looked on the terrible burns. An ambulance still isn't here and Siwon has to somehow help him. He carefully lifted Yesung and hurries in a bathroom where he stands under a shower and turned on cold water. After few moments Yesung moaned in pain and opened his eyes a bit. He sees Siwon above him and starts to weakly cry.

"Hurts ..."

Yesung is crying but he feels too tired after few minutes. The cold water is easing the pain a bit and he sighed while his eyes started to close. The ambulance arrived and paramedics laid Yesung on a stretcher. Siwon got in the ambulance too and sees the police men dragging kicking and screaming Ryeowook in a car. Ryeowook is completely crazy and fights with the police men. Siwon feels a bit sad that Ryeowook ended like this, he loved him and never wanted this. Ryeowook is crying and screaming while still trying to get back to Siwon.

"We belong together! Let go of me!"

Ryeowook is screaming and people from the neighborhood are watching this show. They finally forced Ryeowook inside a car and the ambulance with Siwon and Yesung is leaving but Siwon knows that this isn't the end yet.

Boss in office, daddy in bedroomOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz