Chapter twenty three

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Yesung and Siwon get back into their working routine and Yesung miss the nice Jeju island. No work, only fun and cuddling with uncles and daddy. He enjoyed being little without worries and now huge worries are rolling on him.

Changmin doesn't want to do this but he has to speak with Siwon about Yesung. They are working on a new case and Yesung was supposed to study very important documents which are now nowhere to be found. These documents were originals and there are no other copies so this whole case is fucked up. Yesung probably lost or accidentally ruined them and when Changmin asked him where are the documents he said that he put them on his desk this morning. Changmin knocked on door of Siwon's office with heavy heart but it is clear that Yesung isn't going to confess.

Siwon takes few deep breaths after listening to Changmin and then coldly said him to get Yesung who has no idea what is going on. Siwon calmly asked him where are the documents but he repeats what he said to Changmin before.


Siwon hit his desk with his palms and got up from his chair.

"We don't have times for some games! They were important, crucial for this case and you lost them!"

Yesung shakes in fear because he has never seen Siwon so angry and it is really scary moreover when he is target of his anger.

"Siwon .... you don't believe me?"

Siwon huffed angrily and glares on him.

"I am not Siwon for you, not here. Here I am your boss who you don't respect!"

Changmin has no idea that Siwon would get this angry. The truth is that their company lost four bigger cases in row and Siwon has to break this circle, he doesn't need another failed case.

"Where are the documents when they aren't on Changmin's desk?"

Yesung doesn't know but he really put them on the desk, right this morning when Changmin wasn't in their office.

"I am not lying, I really put them there."

Siwon closed his eyes for few seconds because his anger is now really taking over his body.

"Then where are they!?"

Yesung has had enough of this yelling and balled his hands into fists.

"Shut up!"

Yesung yelled back at him and everyone in the office is shocked. Yesung is panting and Siwon gritted his teeth. He grabbed Yesung's tiny wrist in his hand and drags him out of the office and into an elevator. He isn't speaking but feels that Yesung is shivering. Right now he isn't able to care about it. They drive home because Siwon isn't going to play a game for other people, he is going to punish him here. They arrived and Siwon is still dangerously silent until front door of their flat closed behind them. He goes in the living room and ran hand through his hair.

"You yelled at me in middle of the office. You humiliated me, Yesung."

Yesung fiddles with hem of his shirt and slips into little space. He disappointed his daddy. Yesung wants to crawl under bed and begs for daddy's forgiveness but Siwon has different idea.

"I can't spank you when you are little but at least you are going to sit in corner for half an hour and then we will try to speak again."

Siwon takes his hand and drags him in corner. There he pushed Yesung to sit down and kneeled in front of him.

"Sit here, silently and don't move. I am too disappointed right now to look at you."

Siwon left the room and the little is sitting there and stares on the creamy white wall. Disappointment, thats the worst word which Yesung can hear. His daddy is now sad because of him, Yesungie was so bad. Yesung is scolding himself for everything and hits his head with his weak fists few times. He ruins everything, like always. Everything is building up in him and he can't take it anymore. He is only one big mistake, a disappointment who can't do anything right. Yesung feels like the air around him is crushing his body and chokes on his breath. What is he going to do now? Suddenly an idea crawled from a dark hole in his soul. Idea that he could cut himself again like before. It helped before so maybe it can help now. But his daddy told that it is bad and that if he wants to do it again then he should call daddy. Then it hit him - daddy is going to leave him! Maybe he is already gone because the flat is so silent, he probably went out to find someone better. Yesung pressed his palms on the cold walls and cries a bit louder. Siwon hears him but he can't stop the punishment or Yesung won't learn a lesson from this. But maybe he can only peeked in the living room and make sure that he is okay.

Boss in office, daddy in bedroomWhere stories live. Discover now