Chapter twenty six

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Siwon likes to work out and hiking, his body simply can't be still and after long days in office he wants to stretch his muscles. He arranged a trip in Seoraksan National Park and early in Saturday's morning they get in car. Yesung isn't very active, he reminds a little kitten who is tiredly yawning and only wants to take a nap on pile of soft blankets. It is true that Siwon loves to watch his baby taking a nap. But this weekend they are going to do something healthy and spend some times with activities in middle of national park.

Yesung is really grumpy when Siwon woke him up early in the morning. After all it is Saturday, they should sleep until lunch time but now Siwon is dragging him out of their bed. Siwon bought clothes for hiking for Yesung and also other things which he will need for their weekend in nature but the boy isn't very happy about it. He is grumpily standing next to their car while Siwon puts all their bags inside. Yesung whined again because he is going to fall asleep while standing. His warm bed is upstairs and it is so soft and almost calls him to get in. Yesung sat in the car and leaned his forehead against the car window and closed his eyes. Siwon is driving and smiles because his baby is snoring so cutely. After few hours they arrived in parking lot where they leave their car and Siwon takes his bag. He is carrying most of the heavy things so Yesung won't be too tired. Siwon starts to walk and Yesung goes behind him with barely opened eyes. The nature is nice but sleep would be better.

"First we are going to see Biryong falls."

Siwon is really excited from the feeling of fresh air in his lungs which are being ruined by polluted air in Seoul. Yesung behind him only grunted and wonders why is Siwon carrying his bag so easily, his is really heavy and Siwon is walking so easily like his bag weights nothing. Finally they are standing in front of Biryong falls and Yesung can't believe it. They were walking so much only for this?! It is nice but it isn't worth so much effort. Siwon is saying some old poem about it and Yesung sat down on some big stone. After a while Siwon has enough of admiring the nice scenery and turned back to bored Yesung.

"Lets build our tent."

Siwon leaded them to a place where they can build their tent. There is also a small shop and bathrooms and they can make fire here without setting the whole forest in fire. Siwon takes the tent and started to build it while Yesung is standing above him. Siwon is working fast and soon their tent is standing. They put their bags inside and Siwon takes two fishing rods.

"Lets catch our lunch!"

Siwon was here before with his dad so he knows where is the best place to catch good fishes. He bought some worms and then they go to Siwon's favorite place. The river is slowly flowing and there are trees around so Yesung won't be bothered by sun. In middle of the river is huge grey rock and Siwon smiled because of all the memories which this place brings back. Siwon and his father were fishing together quite often and it was really good every time. Even if they didn't catch a single tinniest fish or if mosquitos almost eat them it didn't matter for Siwon because he was with his dad. And Yesung has never had that. His father ran away before even seeing his son and never came back. Yesung missed so much things without his dad but now Siwon really wants to show him this. Siwon handed on fishing rod to Yesung and put the bait on the hook.

"If the floating thing moves then it means that you catch a fish."

Yesung nodded and fixed his eyes on end of the fishing rod. He took off his shoes and dips his feet in the cold water. It feels very nice but he wants a fish. After a long while he still has none and starts to get annoyed. Suddenly Siwon laughed next to him.

"I caught one!"

Siwon is smiling widely and shows the fish to Yesung who only pouted. Why is Siwon better than him in everything? Yesung is watching Siwon who is cleaning the silver fish and then looked back on his fishing rod. Where the hell are all fishes? They are standing there for one more hour and Siwon caught two more fishes while Yesung is almost crying. He wants to catch one too! Siwon sees that Yesung is getting frustrated but there is no chance how to fix this.

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