Chapter forty one

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Heechul and Leeteuk are sleeping but something weird woke them up. The bedroom is still quite dark and Leeteuk frowned while running his hand over the mattress. What is this?

The mattress is wet and warm and in few seconds Leeteuk realized what is this. Urine. He tossed the blankets aside and sees where is the problem. Yesung's diaper somehow opened and when he peed during sleep, the diaper couldn't have absorbed it. Leeteuk shakes Heechul's shoulder and the man woke up with angry groaning. Leeteuk silently pointed on the urine stained mattress and Heechul cursed. Yesung is still asleep and they don't want to wake him up. Heechul carefully picked him up and laid him down on the floor and took off the dirty bedsheet. Luckily there is a mattress protector so they don't need to buy a new mattress and only need to wash the protector. Leeteuk diapered Yesung, this time properly and Heechul put a clean bedsheet on their bed. They let the little one to sleep longer and go to cook breakfast.

Heechul doesn't know why did the diaper fall off, but at least they managed to clean the mess. Yesung woke up alone in the bed and immediately hurries to find his uncles. With uncles no one forces him to eat vegetable or fruit, he can eat his breakfast in front of the TV. Heechul and Leeteuk don't know how to entertain the little one, weather outside is bad so they can't go outside. Leeteuk kissed his boyfriend, hugs Yesung and goes to work. Heechul goes to wash the dishes and Yesung is sitting alone on carpet in the huge living room. The carpet is fluffy and he can't stop petting it. After a while Heechul's cat Heebum runs in the living room and looks on the new addition. The cat doesn't realize that this is a trap. In moment when the little spotted him his eyes immediately widened.


Yesung makes grabby hand toward it and Heebum decided that he has seen enough. The cat swiftly and elegantly climbs on top of wooden shelving unit. It is almost two meters tall and Heebum looked down on the small black haired boy.


Yesung whined and angrily pouted. He wants the kitty! Yesung is watching the cat and after a while realized that he can't reach there. Suddenly he got an idea. He can climb there! After a short struggling he put his foot on the first shelf and then pulled up. His weak arms are trembling but he wants the cat, moreover he is almost there. Yesung reached one hand to Heebum and almost touched his fur but didn't realize that he can't hold himself there with only one arm. Just in time Heechul entered the living room with a bottle of milk and spotted the baby hanging there.


Heechul yelled and let go of the bottle and runs to the little. He caught Yesung before he can hit the floor and pressed him to his chest. This was close! Heechul sat him back on the carpet and reached for Heebum. The cat is fighting but can't do much while Heechul handed him to Yesung. Yesung strokes the soft fur and ears and laughs. Heechul is happy that the baby is happy. And for Heebum? Well, the cat will get some yummy treat. Yesung's small fingers are stroking the fluffy cat and he grins while the cat is only meowing and angrily glaring on Heechul. After a while Yesung has enough and let go of the animal who runs to hide under the couch. Yesung goes to annoy his uncle who is cooking lunch and steals cheese which Heechul grated to decorate their pasta. They eat, well Yesung's eating looks like smearing the pasta over his face. With full stomach the little one feels sleepy so Heechul tucked him in bed and closed the curtains. Yesung is snuggling with his stuffed friend and sleeps while dreaming about his daddy.

The baby boy has no idea that his daddy is already on his way back home. He lied about having too much work to stay longer and his family finally let him go. Siwon is hurrying home so he arrives soon after dinner. He immediately goes in his friends apartment and surprise them in middle of playing with Lego. Yesung opened his arms and runs to his daddy for a big hug. Heechul and Leeteuk know that no one needs them anymore because the little one is focusing only on his beloved daddy. Siwon is listening to his happy babbling while they go in their apartment and during bath time. He can only smile and listen story about what he did with his uncles. After bath, Yesung said that he isn't feeling very small and wants to sleep in bed with Siwon. Siwon shrugged because it means that he won't need to prepare a bottle of milk for Yesung and he lay down in the bed next to his babe.

"My milk?"

Siwon smiled and got up again. Yesung likes some little space things even when he feels big but Siwon has no problem with it. He heated up the milk and poured it in the bottle. He goes back in their bedroom and pulled his baby across his lap and put Yesung's head in crook of his arm. Yesung is staring in his daddy's eyes who removed the pacifier and then pushed rubber teat of his bottle between Yesung's pink lips. He is sucking on the milk and grips Siwon's pajama shirt. He is slowly falling asleep and feels a light kiss landing on his forehead. Siwon missed his cute baby and he is so happy that he is holding him in his arms again. He slowly tucked him under a blanket and kissed his chubby cheek again. He put his head on his soft pillow and stares on Yesung's peaceful face. Only his baby makes him calm.

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