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The next morning Valda woke up and looked at the clock reading 7:30am.

Rubbing her eyes slightly she smiled to herself before rolling over and curling up into the sleeping man beside her.

Sometimes teasing leads to good outcomes.

Just as she was shutting her eyes again the door was knocked and the two jumped slightly "you two up?" Anakin asked from the other side.

"More or less"she replied as Obiwan looked at the time "thank you for not bursting in this time" she grumbled before lying back down and shutting her eyes.

"Well well well, look whos tired" Obiwan chuckled as she let out a heavy breath.

"Shut up, if i remember correctly you were the first to break a swet" she grumbled lying front down "and who said whos name first?" She asked with a chuckle.

"Whos shirt came off first?" He asked making her grumble "hey two can play this game right?"he asked trying to roll her over "Valda" he said in a light sing song tone.

"Fuck you" she grumbled.

"You did love" he smirked before she grabbed the pillow beneath him and hit him over the head with it.

Getting up Valda grabbed her underwear and put it back on before putting her suit back on as her normal agent suit was back at the apartment.

Walking out into the living quaters Anakin was sat there smirking at her while Cressida was sat eating at the table "you two are very quiet" he smirked as she went and began making a drink.

"And your very nosey" shs sassed back as Obiwan came out and Anakin almost choked in his drink.

"Okay your staying right here until i get back" she agreed going slightly red in the face as Anakin looked at her "the joys of having long hair" she chuckled as Cressida became interested in the converstaion.

"Maaa" she managed to say while looking at Valda.

"Yes hello you" she smiled stroking the girls head while Obiwan looked in a mirror at his neck and pulled his robes up slightly.

"Maaa" she said again giggling "Daaaa" she cooed at Obiwan.

The two looked at each other, Valda had a look of horror flash in her face which Obiwan saw.

"Daaaa" she said again grasping out to him.

Walking over he picked her up making Cressida giggle and touch at his clean face "and your Cressida" he smiled at her making Valda smile before turning away "ah hang on Val" Obiwan said walking over and placing two fingers to her forehead "there, now nobody will know" he smiled as his were also gone.

"Thanks, ill be back in half an hour or so" she smiled before walking out.

"So" Anakin smirked as soon as the two were left alone "did you two? You know?"he asked sitting opposite his Master who had Cressida in his lap.

"Do what?" He asked damn well knowing what he was going on about.

"Playing dumb hasnt ever been your strong suit has it? Please tell me you were protected" he asked before Obiwan looked at him "so she is up the duff then?" Anakin asked crossing his arms "you two are bad enough as it is let alone a combination" he sighed.

"She is infertile Anakin, she had involuntarily surgery done" Obiwan justified.

"So-" he carried on.

"Im not carrying anything Anakin" he sighed as Cressida cooed at him.

"Maa" she said.

"Yes your mother will be back soon dont worry yourself" he smiled.

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