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So, im starting college on Monday.

Its a huge step for me and many others, maybe you yourself are going into college or university. If you are, all i want to say is good luck and do your best as that is the best you can do.

With me starting college and all, my updates may not be as frequent, this book might even go on hold for a while until im stable with my work load as im going into art and design, along with that, Star Wars was a quick faze for me, it comes and goes, so my inspiration isnt fully there, and i can tell from when im writing, but I'll try my best as im extremely proud of my work.

As my ideas are running out I'd like to hear some of your ideas, maybe I'll put them to use, as every comment has meant so much to me, every read and vote ; it all means the world to me, to know im somehow making someone happy or just giving someone something to look forward to on a Monday.

Anyways, thats all i wantes to say, so thank you, and goodluck to those it applies too.

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