02 | Bodyguard?

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"A what?" I stuttered, comprehending what Mr Choi suggested.

"Would you like to be a bodyguard?" He repeated, but I didn't reply instead I placed myself on the couch leaving my luggage in the doorway hearing no response he continued, "you're in luck, my friend called me today and he requested to get a personal bodyguard for his son, it is urgent so I need a response now" I thought about it before I gave in.

"Who is it?" I questioned, "Who's bodyguard will I be?"

"He's in a famous group, BTS the main vocalist named Jeon Jungkook, 22 years old, he is an absolute angel-"

"Okay, fine I don't need that much detail," I chuckled.

"Great, I'll come over with the information I have received since you will be starting tomorrow," He spoke as I heard some ruffling sounds, "I'll be there in 20 minutes." Life can be amusing at times like these, here I thought I couldn't get a job but now it seems interesting a bodyguard of a singer.

Staring at the ceiling, I wonder how life had come to be, wasting 10 minutes of my life on the couch I got up to bring my luggage that still sat at the doorway waiting to be claimed to my room, that was cleaned just as I liked, I peeked over the notes that were left on my desk. 'I've cleaned your room again' I picked up another note, 'The house is missing you', 'I've cleaned up', 'I didn't visit yesterday, my son came home after 3 years' - all of them was from your 'aunt' the lady that watched you grow, the lady that gave me a roof to live under and now she came every day to look after my house, I guessed right, she didn't choose to live here. I smiled at her notes before getting my phone out to text her.

Mrs Park:
Thanks, Mrs Park, I'm back. I've just seen all the notes, I'm sorry I was gone for so long.

Placing my phone back, I decided to unpack and put all my clothes to wash, time went more belated as I waited for Mr Choi to come - eager for this new job. The doorbell had a strangled sound as if the energy was drained out of it, "come in sir" I welcomed him, still in my airport attire. Soon he started explaining the situation to me, "So, you think he is being attacked by saesangs and you want me to act like a normal bodyguard without using my brain too much, that's funny" There is no way I'm going to be protecting him from saesangs like they are just some immature kids, who think it's funny to threaten idols.

"Park Jinhee!" I quietly muffled my laughter, "Look it's a serious situation, these aren't normal saesangs, their psychotic, yes I don't want to use your so-called genius brain, you will just bust yourself" He really thinks I'll bust myself like that, "Here is a file, it contains basic information about him with some photos and there is a photo of when he was last attacked though you can't see the attackers, I think it will be useful" He handed me a black file labelled 'Jeon Jungkook.' Opening the file, I welcomed with a face that was sculpted to impress, well he got those looks no lie, flipping through the plastic wallets I came to the photos of the last attack, skimming through the detail within the photo which seemed to write a story in my eyes.

"It wasn't saesangs" I stated. Mr Choi looked at me in disbelief, "He's been attacked by someone professional" my eyes didn't leave the photo for a minute.

"Jinhee, this is why-"

"Sir, look you cannot even see a single shadow apart from Jungkook's even though the lighting that was there would've highlighted a figure even behind the camera, but there isn't and a saesang wouldn't be that smart to understand how much a shadow could be useful to us, listen whoever this person is, he isn't alone" I explained, while he was now also scanning the photo.

"I guess that can be a possibility"

"It isn't a possibility, it is what I said"

"Well, I'll leave it up to you, just remember you are off duty as a NIS agent, so don't doing something stupid" he patted my back before getting up, "there is an interview at 11 AM tomorrow, you will have to pass that before you are hired, I've written the address at the back of the file, good luck, you do it" with that he left as we bid our goodbyes. I'm starting to enjoy this idea of a bodyguard, I guess it will be entertaining and not some saesang attack. Putting the file on my bedside table, I decided to relax my body after an exhausting 2 months, entering the bath tub that was filling with burning hot water, some hated but I loved it, the feeling of my skin burning and relaxing at the end of the day filled me with joy, 'I guess this job idea won't be as bad as I initially thought' or so I thought.



The past hour had me arguing with my own dad, who was persistent in hiring me a personal bodyguard, "Dad, exactly how many times do you want me to explain that I do not need a bodyguard, those people are so annoying all they will ever do is follow me around, it's invading my privacy!" I exclaimed, my anger was rising more and more as I saw my dad completely ignoring my word and preparing for the interview tomorrow morning for the recruitment process, "Dad!" I nagged at him like a 5-year toddler demanding a toy.

"Jungkook, we've already had this conversation but my decision stays put" He looked helplessly at his son, tired of explaining himself to his spoilt brat, "Be dressed by 10:30 tomorrow" He demanded before walked out the study. This was it for Jungkook from learning Taekwondo to boxing it felt useless now, I hated people invading my privacy and calling for a bodyguard was just that, I know my efforts were futile, I wasn't able to prove myself with the last attack but it was unexpected, I wasn't prepared.

I guess I'll just have to work with until tomorrow, there is no way that I'm signing to a bodyguard like will you look at me, I bet I could knock out that well-built selected bodyguards, just they wait till tomorrow.


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So as you already know, I'm starting new thing to encourage exercise, so whenever you finish reading a chapter of my book, I'd like it if you do a 30-minute workout - this NOT for weight-loss or anything but I'm saying this because 30-minute exercise every day can lead to enormous benefits in terms of your mood, health, weight and the ability to live an independent and fulfilling life. It doesn't have to be difficult, suit it to yourself, but try and exercise. It is only an encouragement if you physically cannot then please don't feel pressurised.

Thank you for reading 'Vagabond'

Avi xxx

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