10 | Tracked

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"Jinhee you did what?" The boys asked me as we made our way to their MV set.

"She kicked me in the groin" Jungkook complained, "Like look at her audacity to kick an idol"

"Well, I wouldn't have done that if you didn't take my phone without my permission," She remarked.

"Oh right, so explain why decided to drop me on the floor once you offered help" He bemoaned.

"I stubbed my toe, for goodness sake, you could've maintained yourself, Jeon" Both of were quarrelling for the past half an hour while the rest of the boys stared at us not knowing what to do.

"I can't believe you!" He scoffed, turning his face to the other side, while I looked out the window. It's been three days since the incident yet he can't seem to act normal, while my eczema kept worsening.

Scratching my arm, I took in the scenery, "where are we going?" I asked.

"We are going somewhere remote to shoot our MV" Jin spoke, I was amused how long this journey is going to be - a whole 3 hours.

Looking outside again, I reminisced the quarrel Jungkook and I just had, giggling at the stupid comments that were thrown I didn't realise I brought everyone's attention to myself, "Sorry, I just found something funny" I said looking at Jungkook, who was pouting, I guess taking care of Junghwa for the past days he has inherited her actions.

Soon, I found myself drooping my eyes shut while my head leaned against the window.

Jimin's POV:

"Jungkook, stop pouting" I spoke seeing Jinhee sleeping peacefully, you shouldn't have taken her phone."

"But she started it" This boy was too adamant.

"You both are so adamant" I whispered, looking at Jinhee, who had started to itch her arms. As her sleeves rolled up the redness of her arms became visible. My eyes widened at the sight of her arms, unbuckling my seatbelt I went over the empty seat by her, caressing her arms slightly, "Jin Hyung?" I spoke turning my head to the back seat.

"Huh?" he replied groggily.

"Jinhee's arms are swollen" I stated worried, while Jin walked over to see the state of her arms.

"It seems like an allergic reaction to me"


Jinhee's POV:

My eyes flickered open at the sudden jolt of the van stopped, rubbing my eyes ever so slightly to adjust the shining sunlight that illuminated through the window, "I see your awake" Jin spoke, "Here this is a cream my mum gave me, it will soothe your skin" He handed me an identical cream of my own.

"Thank you but why-" I thanked him but wondered why he was handing me the cream.

"Your arms are sore, just look at the state of them" He spoke.

"Oh, right" I looked down at my rolled sleeve to the blaring red scars, "I unknowingly ate shiitake mushrooms when I am allergic to them, it plays up with my eczema" I informed thinking it was important.

"Now put some ointment on it before it worsens and we all are heading out" he smiled before joining the others who had left the vehicle, I smiled at the ointment in my hand - it was the first time other than my grandma, who cared for me. Taking the ointment I let the coldness of the cream soothe the blaring hotness of my skin. Delicately running my fingers through the cream spreading it evenly around the scars. Once I was done I collected my belonging and left the van trailing behind the crew and the boys.

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