Chapter 15 - Coming Home

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The plane touches down and I walk down to area where the bags are and I see Maddie and Maya. I run to Maddie and gave her a big hug

AJ - Mads I missed you so much
Mads - I missed you too.

I went over to Maya who was almost crying and hugged her.

AJ - Maya what's wrong?
M - I missed that is all.
AJ - I missed you to and I love you
M - I love you to you ready to go home?
AJ - Yes and I have to pack but then my free for the rest of the day
M - Lucky you get to meet David Beckham
AJ - Well aren't you driving me there
M - yea

We walk to the car and I hope in and see there is a text from Ali and Ash and David. I open Ali's first.

Ali: how was flight and have you landed? Xx
AJ: yea flight was good I'm currently in the car going home
Ali: Ok good. I've got to go see Kyle but text me whenever you want. Love you
AJ - ok have fun. I love you too

I open Ash's next:

Ash: How was your flight Baby Kriegs?
AJ: it was good!! I MISS YOU GUYS ALREADY!!!!!
Ash: We miss you too but will see you soon at the game.

AJ - Love you
Ash: yea we will gtg love you

Then I open the message foe David
D - Just confirmation you are coming tomorrow and who will be bringing you ?

AJ - Yes I will be there and Maya my group home mom will be dropping me off.

David: Ok see you there.

We arrived home and Maya told me that all of the girls are in the pool. I go to my shared room and put my togs on and start to head out side and they all scream and yell at the top of there lungs when the see me:

Alisha Mitchel : LASKA I missed you so much!!

Abby Wins : I missed you AJ

Olivia Chad : I missed you!!!

Mia Walk - I'm glad your home!!!!!

Ilia Pols - Yayayayaayayy

Katarina Smith : I'm so excited that your home!!!!

Claire Cook : YAY!!!!!!!!

Libby Miles : Yay your finally home!!!


Kelly Leeks - YASSSSS

Zara Mills - FINALLY!!!!!!!!

Xanthe Rivers - YAYAY

Pearl Harbor - YAYA

Tayla Jasks - FINALLY






Samar Navbi - YESA

Elizabeth Keen - *Screams*

Carey Dalton YAYYAAYAY

I go and go hug all of them and go sit in the pool. I explain to them all that I'm leaving tomorrow for another camp and they are all a bit sad. Lianna, Elizabeth and Samar come next on me and either side of me and Maya takes a photo of us on my phone and I decide to go it on Instagram


Location: Washington DC


Ali Krieger is my mom Where stories live. Discover now