Chapter 29 - 6 Months later

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Sorry it took so long for the update, had major writers block.

After the wedding was finished with I went back to Hawaii with my dad's family and we had good time. It currently holiday time and its coming up to tomorrow is 4th of July. The Beckham are out of the Country, Maya is taking the girls up north for a trip and The USNWT are having a party at Ash's and Ali's house in Orlando which I wasn't invited too. I'm pretty mad about that. I wondered why I wasn't invited, maybe there is going to be Alcohol. I deicide to text Ali.

AJ - Heyyy

Ali - Hey baby girl what's up?

AJ - You know the party you are throwing

Ali - Yes, when are you flying in?

AJ - Wait I'm invited, I never got the invitation.

Ali - Oh maybe it got mixed up in the mail and also of course you are invited, you're my daughter and I don't want to spend another holiday away from you.

AJ - Ill book a flight and will be there tomorrow

Ali: Ok. Ash can pick you up at the airport ok

AJ: Ok

I put my phone away and scroll through Instagram. Liking picture and then I came across a picture of Brooklyn with a girl, and they are pretty close, hugging each other. I decide to forget about it and keep scrolling. I turn off Instagram and grab my keys and hope in the car because I am going to go shopping for Orlando. I drive to the closest mall and park my car in a carpark. I walk into the mall and go to a surf shop and buy a bikini and some cute crop tops and shorts. I also brought a American themed crop top, black jean shorts and some white low top converse. I paid for it and then went to the food court and got some McDonalds. After that I went home and packed my bag as it is the 2nd of July tomorrow and I want to spend some time with them. I finish packing and I get text from Ali.

Ali: Hey ash will pick you up tomorrow and since you are coming early you will get to see the surprise early

AJ: Will I like this surprise

Ali: yes

I go to my room and go have a shower as I have a plane to catch tomorrow.


I am so excited for Laska and the girls to come to the house in 2 days as we have a big surprise for them which is that we adopted 4 kids who were at risk. A 12 year old, 8 year old twins and a 5 year old. 2 boys and 2 girls. We have just got them settled into there rooms and we have told them about there older sister who they have been non stop talking about her since we told them about her. I cant wait for them to meet her.


I wake up and head up the airport for my flight. I take some selfies before going to star buck's and get a drink. While I am in line Brooklyn calls me but I decline it. I walk to the terminal gate and wait for my flight to be called. I entered the plane and texted Ash.

AJ: Boarding now

Ash: Ok can't wait to see you

*Plane ride*

I exit out the plane and grab my bag. I walk out to the entrance and look around and my phone pings.

Ash: Just parked the car, be at the entrance in a minute.

I was walking to Starbucks to grab Ash and I a drink. When I am in line someone taps me on the shoulder. I turn around and there is a little girl around 10 with her mom I think.

A - Hi

Little girl - HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII my name is Olivia and this is my mom Casey

A - It is nice to meet you both

Ali Krieger is my mom Where stories live. Discover now