Chapter 16 - Surprise Family Drama

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*Ali Mom in real life is so nice and caring but to add some drama she is going to be mean and rude to AJ*

Previously on Ali Krieger is my mom:

I turn off my phone and eat more pizza. I finish and go and get ready for bed and Hope into bed and go to sleep.


My alarm goes go telling me its time to get up. I look at the time it 7am. I go and have a shower and get into ripped jean short and a black crop top that say soccer on it and my white Nike air forces. (The first day there is no soccer its bonding). I bring my bags down to the kitchen and eat my bacon and eggs that Maya has made. Maya come to me and kissed my head.

Maya - You have a visitor waiting in the reception area

AJ - Ok

I get up and go the reception area and see a lady standing waiting with her back towards me. I start a conversation with her and she turns around. Then I realise that it is Ali's mum.

AJ - Hi

Debbie - Wow you look like a mini version of her. You know I am right?

AJ - Yea I get that a lot even before I knew who she was to me and your her Mom

Debbie - Correct and I want to do what is best for my child and protect her.

AJ - Yea isn't that what all mom's do

Debbie - Yea but I want you to limit your contact with my daughter I don't want you ruining the family name like you did 17 years ago. You probably only got on the USWNT because of her you don't have any skill

AJ - Excuse me I play on the USWNT and play club so I will be seeing her. and you don't even know me your own grandchild so you can't say anything about me

Debbie - I know that and I don't want to know you ever. You can still talk to her in the soccer lime light but you need to stop posting about her and messaging her and being together in public out of the soccer team or I will make your life a living nightmare. I want Ash and Ali to have kids together and you are ruining everything.

AJ - But she is my mom, I don't think I can cut contact.

Debbie - Well she isn't your mom maybe biologically but she doesn't really love you. Do the right thing Alaska. If you love her then cut ties

AJ - um.....Ok

Debbie - Good

She leaves and Maya comes in and hugs me

M - I'm so sorry baby are you ok

A - Its Ok I'm fine, Am i actually good at soccer or...

M - No never say that again. You are an incredible player and the USNWT is proud to have you

A - Thanks you always make me feel a lot better. I love you

M - I love you to. Ok grab your stuff and hope in the car we have a hour on the road.

I walk to the car and put my stuff into the boot and go sit in the front passenger sit and put my headphones in and turn little mix up full blast. Maya gets in and starts to drive. I decide to post the photo of my me standing outside with my bags on Instagram and change my Instagram name back to what is was originally.


Location: Washington DC


Caption: So excited for my U20 Beckham camp this week. T-Minus 1 hour until it begins.

100k Likes and 78K Comments

Alex: Aww Good luck

Rose: Proud of you see you in a week!!

Random: YAY




Mal: Have Fun!!

Jill: Have a great time and learn lots of good skills x

Allie: Have fun time with you know who

Random: Who is you know who????

Ashely: Have fun see you in a week for the WS game x

Paige: See you soon for our first game together


Kelly: No fair I want to meet DAVID BECKHAM!!!!!!!

Brooklyn: See you soon and the camp!!

David: See you soon!!!!!


Random: The Queen is getting the recognition she deserves

Ashlyn: Congrats and have fun Baby Kriegs

Ali: So proud of you my sweet girl xx

I liked and commented on all of the comments except for Ali and Ash's respecting Debbie's wishes.

I blast my music and then my phone pings.






I decide to open them. Starting with the USWNT GC first.

Kelly: AJ I can't believe you get to meet David Beckham. Your so lucky.
Alex: ^
Christen: ^
Tobin: ^
AJ: Haha yea. Meeting him soon

I close that text message and open Brooklyn's one
B: Can't wait to see you soon. Your a really good player
A: aww thanks. Yea I can't wait to meet you too
Brooklyn: this might be werid but I think your really pretty.

I think about what to reply because I'm currently blushing.

AJ: Aww that sweet thanks. Your cute too
Brooklyn: thanks I've got to go set up for today
AJ: Bye

Then I go to open Ali's. Then I remembered that I have to cut contact.

Ali: hey sweetie good luck this week and have lots of fun and learn some new skills. I miss you and love you.


I ignore her message and looked at Ash's

ASH: Good luck baby Kriegs and have a great time love you


We arrive and I get some stuff out and start walking to the reception.

Another Chapter done! Meeting Brooklyn and the Beckham family and will Ali and Ash start to notice something is up with AJ. How will the camp go.

Paige xx

Ali Krieger is my mom Where stories live. Discover now