Chapter 27 - World Cup and 18

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It has been 2 week since meeting Little Mix and during this time we played the final against Orlando Pride. We won 3-1 which is amazing because WDC hasn't won in a while. Its currently Monday and I am on my bed scrolling through Instagram. The World cup final is on Friday and my Birthday is on Saturday. I am really excited because Brooke is planning my party. I haven't spoken to Ali or Ash in a bit as they have been organising their clothing brand. I really miss them but I will be seeing them on Wednesday when we start the final camp of the season. Even though it's only Monday. I pack my bag. We are playing in WDC so I don't need to wake up early or catch a plane there. I check the wave height on my phone and decide that I am going to go surfing. The waves are only 1m and I remembered that Harper wanted to learn how to surf so these waves are perfect for her. I ring Victoria:

V - Hey Laska, everything alright?

A - Hey Victoria, Everything is fine, The waves are only 1m so I though I could teach Harper how to surf.

V - Oh Hold on

*Muffled voice*

V - Yea she really wants to, what time are you going to be here?

A - I can be there in 30mins.

V - Do I need to buy her a board

A - Nah I've got a small board for her to use and if she likes surfing then you can buy here ok


A - Hey Harps , Ill see you soon

V - Ok Bye see you soon


A - Bye

I hang up with Victoria and go get into my bikini and put a crop wet suit top on and some jean shorts, plus my Nike slides. I did my hair in French braids. I grabs some snacks and put the two boards on the roof and start driving off to the Beckham House.

*Victoria POV*

I start helping Harper to get ready. I put her towel, sun glasses, food, juice, water and her wetsuit top. I put her hair into French braids and she puts her togs on. She puts on some shorts and a tank top on. Brooklyn comes in:

B - Hey Mom, Hey Harps

V - Hey baby,

H - HII, I'm going surfing with Lasky

B - Oh what, that's cool.

B - Can I ask you something

V - Yea

B - You know how it is Laska bday on Saturday,

V - Yea

B - I wondering if you book little mix, she would be so happy.

V - Sure

B - Thanks


I drive to the gate and I have to wait and be checked in before I enter.

Gateman - Name and you reason of being here?

AJ - I'm AJ and I'm here to pick up Harper to go surfing

He doesn't look happy but then David pulls up beside me.

Gateman - Is this girl allowed in sir

D - Yes and you must let her in every time, She is Brook's GF

Gateman - My apologise miss Krieger

AJ - That's Alright

AJ - Thanks David

Ali Krieger is my mom Where stories live. Discover now