Chapter 18 - Beckham Camp Part 2

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Previously on 'Ali is my mom'

Harper goes off with Romeo and we continue walking to the gym. We get there and David begins to talk about the different activities.


David is currently explaining the different challenges that we will be doing. The first one is 4 different relays.

First relay: Running

Second relay: first Pair Wheel Burrow and second pair piggy back.

Third relay: Both pairs must do a shoulder piggy carry

Fourth relay: Running.

David: Ok start discussing who is doing what.

*Sean POV*

I have a crush on Ella and I hope that I have be her pair.

Sean: I think we should do a boy and girl pair for like the lifting ones?

Brooklyn: Yea good idea, AJ wanna go with me and Ella go with Sean?

AJ: Yea sure I am fine with that.

Ella: Yea that's alright.

I'm so glad that Brooklyn mentioned that because I was really happy to be paired up with Ella.


I think that Sean has a crush on Ella But I will ask her about it later.

We started the first relay and we got second which was fine because we beat Darci's team.

Sean suggested that him and Ella did the wheel barrow one. We all agreed.

David: 3-2-1-GO.

Ella was the wheel barrow and Sean was holding her. They had to go 35m so Brooklyn and I started talking.

Brooklyn: Do you want me to be the person carrying?

AJ: Sure I don't mind.

Brooklyn: Should we practise?

AJ: Yea sure.

Brooklyn Turned around and I jumped on his back and he put his hands under my legs supporting me. We then see Ella and Sean coming back so I stay on his back and put my arms around his neck. When Sean and Ella get to us Brooklyn started running and we were in the lead. We turned at the turning point and we were running back when Victoria took a photo of us. We crossed the finish line and Ella and Sean high fived us. We won all the rest of the relays. Then David told us that we could go back to our rooms and get ready for the afternoon for 30 mins before lunch time. Brooklyn, Sean, Ella and I all go back to the rooms. The boys say see you later and Ella and I go to our room. We decide to pack first. I got my green tote bag and packed a towel, sunscreen, my phone, spare clothes and my effpos card. We decide to get changed into our togs which is a simple red triangle bikini for Ella and for me a simple black triangle bikini. Once we are done with whatever we were doing. I decide to post a photo on Instagram.


Location: Washington DC

*Insert photo of Brooklyn and I winning the piggy back race*

Caption: Guess you could call Group 5 Champions, Great first morning at the Beckham U20's camps. Excited for the water park this afternoon.

Photo creds: Victoria Beckham

Tagged: Brooklyn Beckham, Ella and Sean Mutts

Brooklyn: Our team is unstoppable Lasky!! looking forward to the pools as well

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