Sting Eucliffe (The Ending)

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~ Time Skips ~

"Training?" (Y/n) asked the Light Dragon Slayer who is busy doing push-ups.


"You invited me out to do training?" She could not hide her sarcasm. She crossed her arms as the maiden sat on the grass patch, looking at the view. Mountain training, that's what she have guess.

"Everybody is dying to know how you train to become so strong, (Y/n). So I just wanted to know how you do so." Sting replied casually, warming up his body.

(Y/n) sighed at this strangely cheerful mage. 

"You should feel happy that Lector did not follow us." 

Surprised by the sudden change of topic, (Y/n) raised an eyebrow at the now focused male. "That's... rather unusual." She chose her words carefully not to say something that will cause the atmosphere to change. Badly.

"He wanted to join us but I was afraid that he will start to make you feel uncomfortable." Sting shrugged, sensing the maiden's alarm.

"Huh? Make me feel uncomfortable?" Confusion flushed into (Y/n) trying to figure out what he means.

"Nah~ You don't need to know." Sting continued to do what he was doing then, but the mood was still kind of off.

"...ok?..." (Y/n) watched the mage who is obviously not very happy with the decision he had made then.

"I think you should go and ask Lector to join us." 


"You don't seem to be very happy with your choice in leaving Lector behind. After all, you two are inseparable." (Y/n) looked at the Dragon Slayer who fell into deep thoughts.

A sigh left (Y/n)'s lips and she grabbed Sting's sleeve, dragging him down the mountain.

"H-Hey? What are you doing?" Confusion edged in his voice. (Y/n) had to chuckle at that.

"Going to Sabertooth and ask Lector to join us." (Y/n) chirped.

"It's ok." 

(Y/n) stopped dragging Sting, giving him a weird look. "You know you haven't explain why you don't want Lector to join us." She released Sting who pursed his lips together, looking anywhere except for the maiden standing in front of him.

"Do I know a Sting who is this secretive before?" A hint of teasing perched in (Y/n)'s voice as she edged closer to look at the male's face.

She sighed again when she realised nothing can be 'squeezed' out from him. As in squeeze out information.

"Lector knows what I'm planning to do." 

"Hm?!" Alarm tensed up as (Y/n) eyed Sting warily.

Before (Y/n) could say anything, Sting crashed his lips against hers, wishing that (Y/n) did not froze like he planned her to be.

Sting quickly broke the kiss, afraid that the maiden was to taken back from his actions.

"I was... not expecting that..." She trailed off before she gently kissed Sting back on the cheeks.

"Where were we?" (Y/n) smiled at the slightly flustered male who blinked several to clear his mind. A small grin on his lips as he wrapped his arms around (Y/n)'s waist. 

"Stop being flirty and just go and get Lector." The young maiden looked away, eyes tinting a pale pink, an obvious blush flushed her face.

A soft laugh was heard before a melting kiss.


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