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The next moring the three were in the King's palace early in the morning, waiting for him to arrive. The only thing was, they had been waiting for a very long time.

"Do you think he forgot?" Y/n asked.

"He's just fashionably late." Zuko replied.

"I dont think so." Iroh mumbled, his tone completely different now. The Dia Li had just entered the room, and slowly they began to surround then three.

"What makes you say that?" Y/n asked, her hand on the hilt of one of her katanas.

"Just a lucky guess." Iroh replied, standing with Zuko to take defensive oses as Azula entered the room.

"Azula. Have I ever told you why they call me the dragon of the west?" Iroh asked.

"Can it old man, I have no time for lengthy anecdotes." she waved him off.

Iroh didn't reply, only taking a long sip from his tea cup. and when he opened his mouth, he was breathing fire out onto the Dai Li guards.

The three began their escape, dodging projectiles of earth fired by the Dai Li. Y/n took a deep breath and with a blast of lightning, she destroyed a palace wall and leaped out of the palace.

"Zuko, come on!" Y/n yelled. Zuko looked hesitant.

"I'm going to face my sister, I cant run from her anymore."

"Then I'll go with you." Y/n said quickly.

"No, this is my fight. Get to safety." Y/n hesistated, but she followed Iroh away.


"They're old friends of mine!" The little blind girl stated, guestering to Y/n and Iroh.

"And why should we trust her?" The water tribe boy asked, skeptical. He reconized her from the water oasis.

"They both helped me in a time of need." Is all the blind girl said.

"My nephew has been captured by Azula, and we need your help, please."


"So... Toph told us that you two give great advice, and good tea." The Avatar Aang said softly as the three of them traveled through an underground entrance.

"Do you need advice?" Iroh asked with a knowing smile.

"I think so." He sighed. Y/n listened as the Avatar explained his position and the predicament as far as the Avatar state.

"Was I wrong to hold on to Katara?"

"I think you are wise for choosing happiness." Iroh stated.

"If you want to be the Avatar, you should be in sync with what you love." Y/n chimed in.

"Besides, power and perfection are overrated, at least in my opinion." Iroh said.

The group then approached a dirt wall. Y/n pressed her ear to the packed soil, hoping to hear something inside. And she did, it was the voice of the water tribe girl. Standing back, she looked to the avatar.

"In there." She said. She watched as he used earthbending to dispel the wall. Y/n sheathed her katana as she saw Zuko and the water tribe girl. The Avatar rushed to the girl as y/n and Iroh rushed to Zuko, embracing him.

"You were with.. The Avatar?" Zuko's confusion morphed into anger.

"Go help Sokka and Toph!" Y/n called out to Aang and the water tribe girl. The girl gave a final glance to Zuko before running off behind Aang.

"Look Zuko, you are a changed man, much wiser than before." Iroh began.

"Its time for you to choose the path of good" Before Zuko could respond, a mass of crystals rosee and trapped y/n and Iroh in its clutches. And soon Azula and a few of the Dai Li emerged from the shadows.

"I expected this type of tretchery from Iroh, exspecially y/n, but not from my own brother." Azula chuckled.

"This could be the most momentous occasion in fire nation history. If you come with me Zuko, father will love you once more, you'll have your honor back." Azula chirped.

"Dont listen to her, Zuko, the kind of redemption Azula is offering is not the redemption for you." Iroh pleaded.

"I have everything planned out, but we can only win if you join me." Azuka stated. Y/n stuggled against the shimmering material holding her, but she couldn't break free.

"Zuko, please. Is that what you truly want?" Y/n asked, her voice calm as her stare bore into his.

"I'll be by your side forever."

"Forever?" Zuko asked.


Azula sent the Dai Li away, then told Zuko he can choose whatever he wants.

"Zuko. We have something good here. Do you really want to loose that." Zuko didn't reply, hesitantly turning away from her and folloing Azula out of the cave.

"Zuko, no." Y/n wimpered, a tear falling down her face.

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