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Finn's POV
Mother ran back inside carrying a small child in a purple dress. "Mother?" I rushed forward as she placed the little girl in my arms. "Mother who is she" mother did not answer and began frantically searching her spell books. Looking down at the child I could see the dampness on her checks. Softly I rubbed them gently. She stirred slightly leaning into my hand. "Finn" my mother called, she beckoned me towards her as she walked up the staircase. We arrived in a spare bedroom quickly. "Come now. Place her here" mother pulled the covers down for me to place her down. After I set her down mother covered her quickly. I watched as mother stared lovingly at the small child. "Mother?" She glanced towards me "who is she?" I asks softly worried I'd wake her. "She is very special" mother kissed the girls forehead before standing. "The child holds more power in her little finger than any other witch alive."

Bailey's POV
I gasped slightly waking after last night. I slowly opened my eyes and scanned the room quickly. I was alone. I carefully moved the heavy duvet away, jumping clumsily down to the floor. I was still in my dress, though it was no longer as comfy as it felt yesterday. I crept to the door and swung it open slowly. Loud voices came from the room near the bottom of the stairs, I was still in klaus's mansion. I reached with both hands grabbing the wooden posts supporting the banister in order to keep myself upright as I made my way down the staircase. Kol and klaus appeared in the doorway laughing as a shoe came speeding behind them. "Good residence the both of you" they laughed more and left not noticing my presence. I could still here voices but they were quieter now. I almost reached the bottom without falling, at the last step I tumbled forward landing on the marble floor surrounded by the skirt of my dress. "Bailey?" I managed to escape my skirt safely looking up I say Elijah and Bekah. All these people have too long names. "Hi" I squealed a little too loud making myself giggle. "What's the you doing here" Elijah asked me lifting me gently into his arms. "I was asleep upstairs" I told him smiling, it fell quickly as I remember what happened. "It happened again Elijah. I thought it was gone" tears burned in my eyes but I refused to let them fall tucking my head into his shoulder.

Authors Note
This chapter was painfully short, I'm super stuck on a plot but I'm trying I swear 🙈😅

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