Teachers pet

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Request by isumi828
Male teacher Germany x Male student America

Smut, age gape,Angst,  really messed up shit, kinks ? Cringe crack bois
Hands up this is longgg

America watched as his teacher walked around the class looking at students doing their tests.

He was in honours German class. Why was he doing honours German ? Well it was either that or honours Russian and he really didn't wanna see that teacher. And also America had a gift for learning languages.
He finds it very easy to learn another language, probably because there are 430 languages spoken in his country.

America had already finished the test so he was just watching everyone else crack under the pressure.

It was sorta enjoyable for the American to watch. Everyone always called him and his people stupid while they invented so many things that are used daily.

Form bubble gum to the Internet. Google it..and they also made that. America could rant about that for ages about what his country and people have invented but they again nobody came to read that instead they rather read about him getting fucked into the wall once again.
People these days are weird but America (Author) couldn't say much their self's

Back to reality though. Germany was standing right behind America now.

Germany was the second strictest teacher in the school. First went to America's step father Britain aka Mister London aka Tea bitch even though his country came in third for tea lovers-

That meant no one mess with America all being to afraid of his (step) old man. And America did not blame them sometimes he gets scared by him as well at times.

"Heya teach" America said not looking over at him.
Call him cocky if you want but he see's no reason to be scared of the German teacher does he need to remained you of who he lived with ?

"Amerika I zee Dhad you finized you're desd" When he was mad his accent should very well.
(I see that you finished you're test")

"Ahun". America said clearly not scared or any bit frightened. America nearly had to see the strictest teacher every hour of the day. This was nothing apart at what happens at home.
And why was this guy always angry ? America hasn't do anything......yet anyway.

But for some reason Germany made it his goal to somehow get this kids to be a tiny bit scared of him.
And if you haven't noticed it isn't working at all.

The German male signed to himself. He sometimes love to be able to call out the student but he never could.

Germany didn't know why but something about the young student made his blood boil. Why though ?

America was practically the best student he could asked for.
His work was nearly always 100%, he didn't disturb while teaching unless he was asked a question.

Germany had other student who would throw paper balls at him. Yell across him while he taught.
Destroyed his classroom and much more.

But for some stupid reason this American made him more pissed off. Yeah he had a bit of habit of taking back but other students do so much worse than him and his nowhere as mad at them paired to America.

Made it was because of the way he dressed ?
America liked to wear clothes that brought out his female shaped figure just to mess with people.
Mainly because he knew fair well that no one would be able to touch him thanks to his step daddy.

Or maybe it was just his step father in general ? No he would be like this to Canada or Australia instead of his step son.

It made no sense at all it was frustrating!

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