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"So how long have you all been here?" I ask as we sit around a small campfire.

"Twenty years," says Annabeth.

"Seven," adds Clair.

"Two," says another girl, and another one nods.

"Fifteen," says another.

"Six, ten, four, and twelve," yet another one says, as she points to each of the girls in turn.

"Well, this is getting depressing. Has anyone ever escaped?"

"Not that I know of," Clair says.

"Well, we'll just have to change that, then. Won't we?" I say.

"How exactly are you going to get all eleven of us out of here?" Annabeth asks.

"Especially if no one's done it before?" says Clair.

"Look, we got to do this," I say. "I for one am not going to just sit by and watch eternity go by while I'm staring at the walls of some demon's stomach. I'm not going to let him rule my life. I'm going to escape. One way or another, I will get out of here and I will get out alive."

"Eliza, look at it this way. I've been here the longest out of any of us, and I haven't found a way out. What makes you think you will?"

"Because I have to. Because there's no other choice in the matter. I have to get out of here and I have to go back home. And I will, okay?"

"Why? What's back home?"

"Nothing. Just freedom. The ability to eat, shit, sleep. Any of those things would be delightful right now, but I can't because I'm food for a demon!"

"True, true," says Annabeth.

"We need to set up a schedule for wandering around the woods around the meadow," says Rhea. "I'll take first round. I wanna see some cool things."

"The only problem with that is the blood rain," says Annabeth. When I look at her, she just shakes her head. "It isn't a bad sign for his stomach to be raining blood on us. It is just one of the many ways he can mess with us in here. He can also send some demons in here after us. There is bound to be some in the woods, too."

"Delightful," I mutter.

"Yes, indeed," she says.

It starts to rain blood, and the girls decide to share their backstories with each other. I'm with Rhea and Annabeth in the corner of the room, and the blood rain is splattering on the windows around us.

"Okay, time to distract from the horrible reality of our situation," Rhea says.

"Gee, why would we ever need to escape from this kinda life?" Annabeth says sarcastically.

I smile at her. But really, I'm worlds away, thinking of home and wishing I could return and finish my work and graduate.

Ah, graduation ...

Now I will miss it.

What will David tell our friends happened to me? Will he just say that he was in a fight with me? That I left him? Or will he just disappear too, so he doesn't have to answer any questions?

God, I wish I knew.

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