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I run alongside him, and we look for Vanessa, the last of my friends in the maze. The Wild Hunt rages around us, but we ignore it.

As we run, the singing changes. I tell him, and he looks worried. Because no song has replaced the siren's call song I was hearing.

"What happens if nothing replaces it?"

"Not sure."

He is,  but he just doesn't want to say it for some reason.  Why? What does he owe me? I owe him, not the other way around.


The world suddenly lurches and I fall hard, landing on my arm funny and yelling in pain. The two of us look up as a group of people stands there, looking at us.

"Ah," says  one of them. "The half-breed. The one he has a soft spot for."

I glance sideways at Azriephel, but he just stares coldly at the man who spoke.

The man who spoke steps forward and holds out his hand for me to take it.

"Hi. Name's Cain."

"Of course it is."

Cain steps closer. "Hey, Orion? Do you think you could have a look at this half-breed whore?"

I gape at him, and he grins.

"Yeah, I don't like your kind, half-breed." He looks away from me and then frowns.  "You know.... I think I know what I want to do with you. I mean, this is a Wild Hunt and all, so why not get a little wild?"

I stand up, and extend my claws, and my spikes on my arms. He smiles at me, a dark look on his face. And then I feel like everything is closing in on me. I scream and unleash a powerful blast of energy that slams him into a tree with such force that it snaps in half.

"Go to hell," I snarl.

He laughs. "I'm already there, love."

And then they're gone.

Belly of the Beast (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now