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It's the middle of the night and I get a phone call from someone. I pick it up, glancing at the screen. It says its from Rhea, but it's also four in the morning. This can't be good.

"You know me, I need all the beauty sleep I can get," I say. "What's wrong?"

"I'm in my house and ... there is a bunch of people in robes standing in the yard. They're chanting and yelling. Throwing things and making a mess."

"Call the cops," I say.

"I'm a demon, Eliza! I can't exactly call the cops like this when I'm sure it's because of my demonic nature."

"Okay, well, what can I do?"

Just then, something smacks the window on my side. I yelp and snap awake, and look at the window, where a stick lays on the window sill. I shiver hard when I look outside and see a cluster of people dressed in all dark robes.

"They're here too," I say.

"What is this?" she whispers.

Then, someone slams their fists against the window near my head. I scream and they laugh. I feel the transformation coming on before I have time to fully process what is going on. I look down at my body, seeing myself taking on a new transformation.

I no longer have a bony tail, but I have my usual legs. And then I have jagged bones jutting from the underside of my arms, like the fins of a mermaid or something. I have big, black wings with feathers, and sharp teeth. I have black eyes. My red hair is turning black. I am becoming more and more like a demon each time I transform. And each time I change, I am taking on new forms.

"You better leave now," I say.

"Behold! The demon-killer!" shouts one of the people. "Murderer. Slut! Witch!"

I snarl, and I open my wings more.

"Eliza. They're not worth it," says Rhea.

"I know," I say.

"Burn her! Burn the whole house down!"

I leap at the window, landing on the edge of the glass. I look at them, and they look at me in horror. I scream and punch the window, shattering it and grabbing one of the humans by the throat and I hold him close as I emerge from the window.

"What is going on?" I ask.

"It's .... the Wild Hunt!"

The man I'm holding fires his gun into my belly, but I don't feel anything but slight discomfort. He gasps as best he can in my choke hold, and then I drop him. He staggers back, gasping for breath and glaring daggers.

"Spare me your religious beliefs," I hiss. "What is the Wild Hunt?"

"You're about to find out," he says.

Suddenly, I see it standing among the crowd of people. Echo. The demon from inside David. The demon that likes to mimic the cries of people.

"Ah, Echo," I say. "You joining the Wild Hunt?"

"What's that?" asks Rhea.

"I'll call you back. Better yet, I will be there in ten." I hang up, and then look at Echo. "So let me guess. You're here to join in the Wild Hunt's fun?"

"I might be," Echo says.

"So what happens now?" I ask. "You try and kill me or something?"

"Not quite. While usually I am ready to kill you, Eliza, this time, I've been sworn to come in peace. You don't have to believe me, as I'm sure your nature is not that naive. But I wanted you to know that the Wild Hunt is the most intense thing you could go through. It's very powerful, rooted to the very earth-bones we walk upon now. It is the most sacred time, and is to be treated with the utmost respect, Eliza."

"Why tell me this?"

Echo smiles. "For old time's sake."

Then she is gone. And so are the people in robes. I take off, flying through the night to get to Rhea and Annabeth.

Belly of the Beast (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now