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~ Eliza's POV ~

I walk around for a while before he finds me in the crowd. He's tall and lanky, with long arms and legs. He doesn't say much more than a grunted "Follow me" in a deep voice. He leads me down a darkened hallway and up some stairs. When we walk in, I see people of all sorts sitting in chairs and on couches in a big and round room.

Melisande sits there, wearing simple but pretty red dress. Her ebony hair is a sheet that frames her angular face, and her almond shaped pitch black eyes find a way to stare into my soul not long after I entered.

She looks my age, or maybe slightly older (which would be either twenty-four or something) as she stands up. I take in her beautiful, silver wings tucked behind her back. It's then that I see him sitting there.

He has long, silver hair and light tan skin, eyes like molten rock, and beautiful silver and black wings tucked behind him. He wears a blue dress shirt and black pants.

He nods at me. I nod back at him, trying to show some respect. For some reason, I feel this guy deserves it.

Then, Melisande notices the fact that I am staring at him, and he at me, and her cheeks turn visibly redder.

"Ah, but where are my manners? This is Azriephel, and Azriephel, this is Eliza."

"Pleasure, sir," I say, and she rolls her eyes.

"Please. He's not higher than me ... " She whispers the second half of that statement. The man who walked me back here reappears a moment later, as if on cue.

"Excuse me, my Lady?" he says, bowing.

"Yes, Darzko?"

"You requested knowledge upon which someone entered the club with the pass phrase." He points. "Tall, skinny woman in white with reddish hair."

My blood goes cold. It's Vanessa! Wait, what? Why would Vanessa of all people be here? How would she know about the password? Unless .... she has dealings here now.

"Ah, so you two know each other. How quaint " says the Demon Queen.

"Yes, ma'am," I say. "She and I were ... well, we made friends."

She grins. "Isn't the Bible what teaches the tale of Jonah?"

"I believe so?"

Why  -  and how  -  am I, a half-demon, talking to another full-fledged one about the freaking Bible?

"Well, I think you should take that wonderful story to heart, Eliza. And the next time we wish to summon a demon, we might not want to go straight to the Demon Queen for it. Because I will not hesitate to do some spellwork of my own," she says.

Suddenly, blue and white energy swirls around me, and then I am now standing in an arena that's a huge hole in the ground. And there, standing across from me, is David.

Whole, alive, and looking particularly famished.

"Enjoy the rest of your eternity of life inside your  ex-boyfriend's stomach."

I see Azriephel next to her, his face saddened by the sudden development. And then the sound of David morphing fills the space, and he takes the form of the wolf thing he became when he ate me. He raises his head and looks at me, and sadness crosses his face.

This demon is not David. No, David is dead. This is a fear-demon. A demon of fear, I guess. Not actually who I had feared it to be.

He's meant to scare me, but thing is, I'm not so easy to swallow  anymore.

I morph out my demon body, and then I slither (yes  as I have a tail and no legs at the moment). And then, I hear the sound of someone crying. And I know deep down, I just know that that's Vanessa.

But I stay focused on Fake David.

"Come at me, bro," I say.

It snarls and then pounces. I leap up and meet it about halfway. Then, the monster jumps back, yipping loudly. I see a large and deep gash in his neck, and his mouth too.

"You're a Fearmonger Demon," I say, realizing the fact of the matter.

Then I morph myself back to normal, and other face the top of the arena where Vanessa, Melisande, and Azriephel stand.

"If you let me have the components I want and need, I will be out of your hair. And so will Vanessa," I say.

"Ah, come now, you know we can't just let you go," she says. "Plus, as kind and generous hosts, we would like to officially extend an invitation. Join us, or die, Eliza. But know this: If you choose to die instead, you'll be condemning Vanessa to the same fate."

I shake my head. "Please, just let us go!"

"Not until you make  your choice," she says.

"Very well. I will join you,if you spare her life."

"Done." Melisande snaps her fingers, and then I am on the outside of the arena. I resume looking between Azriephel and Melisande. The Demon Queen stands tall, and she smiles at me. "Welcome to the family."

I smile back at her and nod.

"Now, for the final part of tonight's show ..." Melisande waves her hands and then out comes the demon that killed Shane.

I know that Azriephel and Vanessa both see my shock and horror, but it takes a moment for my shock to fade. The monster is taller than I remember and bulkier, like  it's been exercising.

Or something.

The Demon Queen pats her creature on the head. Then, she looks at me. "Ready to take your revenge?"

Belly of the Beast (COMPLETED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora