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~ Two years later ... ~

"Rhea, hurry up!" Annabeth says from the other room.

I smile but roll my eyes.

Eliza is dead. She died the night we killed David. But the rest of us, Kellie, Star, Vanessa, and Annabeth and I are alive. Alexandra, Britt, and Eliza died.

And now, Annabeth and I are celebrating two years of being a couple.

Having both sworn off men, and both becoming close to one another since that night, we have made it work between us. Of course, I am still half-demon, half-human. But I am not anymore a visible demon. All of my deformities are hidden from human eyes. So at least I seem normal to regular people.

"I'm ready, I'm ready," I say as I get out of the bedroom and walk into the living room.

But I stop when I see who stands there.

Standing beside Annabeth is Eliza, the very woman who lost her life to David and his schemes of eating women.

"No way ... Eliza?"

She smiles. "Yeah, it's me."

"But how? After all this time?"

"It's a long story," she says. "But the gist of it is, the spirits agreed that since I risked everything to get you out of there, I was spared the death of being heated alive for all eternity. Which is what Echo and the others had in mind for me. But it was only after David was killed that they intervened. And by then, the damage was done. I'd been being eaten alive by about fifty demons for the better part of a year. So when I was released from that, I went crazy for a year. I was in and out of hospitals because of everything that happened. But then, I got into therapy. And now I'm not all better or anything, I'm just simply happier."

"I'm happy for you," I say. "But it didn't take me a year to kill him."

"I know. But that's how much time passes between worlds. Or, well, I don't know how to explain it ... but either way, I was freed from the fate of the demons."

"That is amazing," says Annabeth. "Thank you so much. For everything. You've given us a life together."

A grin forms on her face. "That means the world to me."

"Actually, we were going to go to dinner. Wanna come along? I have some clean dress clothes you could wear," I say.

"Yes! You have to come along," Annabeth agrees.

Eliza smiles again. "Okay."

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