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I sit down on the ground, beside my couch, and close my eyes. I focus on my breathing first, and then ... the third eye I've been developing opens. And I can see the others on the other side of the Veil between worlds. I close my eyes and concentrate more, open them again, and I can see into the Otherworld.

I extend my hands up, and reach up, up, up, and then I bring my hands back down slowly, making a motion that makes the very world open up to my fingertips. And I reach forward, grasping the threads that appear in front of me.

I sigh. My heart is connected to someone else now. Someone to replace Shane. You see, people are born with seven soul mates. And Shane was one of mine, which I only know thanks to my freaky new powers I got when I was turned into a demon.

Yeah, my life is royally complicated.

I press my hand to the side of the invisible wall in front of me. I shake my head and then I open the portal a little wider. I see countless trees and various types of stones here, there, and everywhere. I recognize the signs painted on the stones as one of the ancient demon tongues I read about. I don't remember what it was called, but it had signs of a swirl painted black with a white background on it.

It means that you have been marked by a particular demon. One that would definitely interfere with my plans. His name is Volroxath, and he is the epitome of evil in some cultures. Known to be brutal and a two-faced creature, Volroxath is especially powerful in more older and magic-focused cultures.

I probably should've known it was him, just by the brutal nature of the attack. But the only thing is, I don't think it was necessarily him. I think it could've been one of his rivals, like Akinneth, or maybe even Rirzal. Hell, it could be Jalgrol, or the devil himself.

Bottom line, I'm going to find out who killed Shane, not just for my sake and the hope that I will find a way to sleep peacefully again, but for the hope I can one day fall in love again.

And this time, hopefully I won't lose him to a demon, or he is one himself.

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