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~ Eliza's POV ~

I take Vanessa home. With the help of Google Maps, of course. I'm not that great at directions. But Google truly helps me. But then again, who doesn't it help?

"Thanks for coming, but you should've stayed back," I say. "I mean, you're not a demi-demon  .... it could get very dangerous for you to be there."

"It's dangerous for you to be there!" she exclaims. "And you know it. But yet you refuse to back down and admit that you should leave this whole demon-filled world behind!"

"Leave it behind? I'm a part of that world now, Vanessa. And I can't just simply leave it behind like that. It's where I am from. It's what I am now."

"Eliza, listen to me! It's dangerous as hell out there for you if you go back to the demons! Stop it. Why are you doing this any way?"

"Because they killed him. Shane. He was innocent, and yet they killed him. All because he was linked to me. Because he was ... he was one of my soul mates. And I lost him just because I'm a part of this goddamn world. But I can't just give up this life because of that. Because if I do, I lose my everything."

"No, you won't," she says. "You didn't even know Shane. Calm down, okay? Your judgement is cloudy, and I really think you should  - "

"I did know him," I say. "And my judgment is clear." I turn and close my door, starting up my car. She comes over to the side of the car.

"I'm sorry, about everything. Really, I am."

"It's okay. I am used to it." I smile at her and she steps back, and I pull out, heading home.

When I arrive, I am alone, as usual. But then I hear a knock on my door. When I open it, I see one of my childhood friends standing there. Chandra Boseman. She smiles warmly and spreads her long arms wide, and I hug her.

"I missed you," she says softly.

"I missed you too," I say.

"Your mom contacted me. Said you needed a friend. So I figured I'd come visit ... I hope that's okay."

"Yeah,  of course," I say. "Come on in."

She does, and it's as I'm watching her that I see the shift in her appearance. She looks blurry, almost transparent to the eye. She looks at me, narrowing her eyes.

"Are you okay?" she asks.

"I was going to ask you the same thing, Sandra." She always hated it when our teachers would call her that. But she doesn't bat an eye.

"I'm fine, Eliza," she says.

"No, you're not. You're not her." I step closer, showing off my bony spikes on my arms. "Who are you?"

She sighs. "Look, I'm just here to give you a message from your allies. In a day's time, the Wild Hunt will begin. That is the Blue Moon Hunt, and it means it's a combination of all the types. Be prepared, someone has their eyes on you."

"Why are you helping me? Who are you? What are you?" I ask.

"I am helping you because I am on your side, like I said. I will not say my name, but I am a wraith."

"Oh," I say.

"We will meet again, Eliza. I know it."

Then she's gone. Replaced by my friend, who stays throughout the night. And we have dinner together, and she stays, watching lame t.v. shows together well into the night just like how it was when we were younger.

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