Chapter 46

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And I thought I could rely on the military. Yet there's no single update about the accident.

I've been back to the North two weeks ago. Summer arrived but the weather is cold and windy. I've finished reviewing papers for Darren since afternoon now I'm alone in the library reading the books with the sound of rain from the window. It's been raining a lot. Darren said summer in the Northern area means rainy days. My activities return to helping Darren or being in the library.

At first, I thought I would read the reports from the military about the detained assassins. But it never came to my review stack. I tried asking Darren about it a few days ago but he said it last week but he just answered that it was all handled. I don't think he's gonna fill me in on the details, but let's make another attempt later.

"Excuse me, Sir, the tea," a maid knocks and comes in with a tray. I gave her a nod and she started pouring the tea to the cup on a space of my messy table. She then poured another cup, but before I stopped her, Darren came into the library and sat beside me on the sofa. The maid bowed to us before she left the room.

"What are you reading?" Darren asked, peeking at the book while sipping his tea. "Some books that I recently bought," I answered. "You finish the last ones?" he asked and I just answered with a nod. This library has been filling with new books fastly.

"Drink your tea before it gets cold, Caden," Darren said to me. I put the books down, took my tea, and started sipping it. My focus has not been on the book since some time ago.

"You finished your work?" I now asked. He nodded, putting down his tea and leaning back. "I finish early today," he said. I nodded, putting back the tea, then stared at the rainy window. Darren pulled me back and I now lean on him. He took my hand and played with it. I once asked him what was he doing but he answered that he just liked the touch of my hand. Then I let him be. His affection gained me favors and made my life easier here, so I won't complain.

"Darren," I called him. He didn't answer but kept playing with my hand so I took it as a yes. "About the assassins, any updates?" I asked.

He halts his hand for a moment before continuing as nothing happened.

"I told you, it's all handled by the military," he said.

"Yes but, why there's no update. Aren't they supposed to give you some reports too?" I asked, looking at him. I rarely handle documents about the military. Sometimes it comes when Darren needs me to review the budget for it, but never a detailed report of their activity.

"We've questioned them but they are more persistent than they look. Currently, they are being imprisoned in the military detainment," Darren answered. Huh? Just that? "How did you-"

"It's all handled, Caden. It's not the first time we capture some assassins. I can handle it myself," he said, with a commanding voice. He rarely commands me anymore and I know my limits if he uses that kind of tone. I learn to resist Alpha's command but for now, I try to avoid future problems. Don't push him further for now. Seems like I need to gain information myself.

I sip some tea again and took a bite of a cookie. The only sound that can be heard is the sound of rain from outside.

"Darren, I'm going to town tomorrow to pick an ordered book," I said. Not asking, just telling. Shifting the conversation into a new topic. "Harry is still away, doesn't he?" Darren asked. "Yeah, and Leo is going to the training ground with you right?" I said, implicitly told him that I'm going alone.

"Need an escort?" he asked. "I'm just picking some books at the usual bookstore," I politely turned down his offer. "Want me to pick something for you?" I asked. This is not the first time I go to the town with his permission alone. With time, I manage to gain some trust from him.

"Just be careful and don't stay late," he said. It's a yes.

I came to the town the next day after Darren left. Today is raining too and I walk slowly under an umbrella through a small alley. With a book on my hand, I push a door on this still quiet neighborhood forward. A small empty bar greets me but no one inside. I sat on one of the sofas, quietly reading my new book, waiting for the employee to show up.

"Sir Rene? Welcome! I don't know you would come today," a woman appears from the back door.

"Hi, Juri. I gave short notice to Yuuri yesterday. How are you?"

"I'm fine. It's been very calm these days. Business as usual," she said as she put down her stuff and start cleaning the tables.

"You know, I can always provide more funds for you, right?"

"No! Don't! We've been very grateful to all the quality suppressants and medicines that you've regularly provided to us for free. You also helped us establish this place and hire some guards. Don't waste any more money on the likes of us," she hurriedly said that. I gave a complicated smile to her. I don't like how she is so used to belittle herself. Juri is too kind in this harsh condition she lived in.

"Rene!" A boy came out from the back door.

"Eh? Rene is here?" The girl followed while putting her hair into a ponytail.

"Master Rene, why haven't you visited us for so long? I miss you," another girl came out, immediately sat beside him, locking her arm on mine.

"Hey, how are you all?" I greet the girls and the boy dressed in their pajamas, look like they just woke up even though it's already past noon.

"Not good, the customer yesterday was so inexperienced! I don't feel satisfied at all," said the boy.

"What? You have it easy! I got a client who doesn't let me go until dawn. Now, I feel sore all over my body," the girl beside me complained. "Master Rene, if you can give me a kiss, I think I would feel better," she said as she cupped my face and lean forward.

"Rene," the boy snatch me from the girl, "you promise your kiss will be mine," he said.

"Stop it, Anya, Mica," a young man come in and stop the girl and the boy who almost kiss me. "Don't be insolent in front of Rene."

"Ehh... I'm not rude! I just want a kiss," said Anya.

"Yeah! Rene promises me a kiss before," Mica adds. Did I?

"We're having a conversation, so come back upstairs!" instructed the man.

"Not fair Yuuri! You always monopolize Rene," said the other girl.

"I need to discuss something with Yuuri. I promise I'll visit here again soon and play with you all," I said to fasten everything up.

"Eh, really?" said the Mica with a sparkle in his eyes.

"It's a promise alright," said Anya, hugging me.

"Wait but, how soon is soon?" the other girl asked.

"As soon as you left us alone, now come back upstairs please," Yuuri said and the girl hugged me before she walks back up along with the two others.

"I'll be upstairs if you need me," said Juri as she gave a smile to me and close the door. It finally just me and Yuuri in this quiet room.

"How are you, Yuuri?"

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