Chapter 5: Do We Have A Deal?

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I stare at the bell and wait for class to end. I couldn't concentrate all day because of how Erin acted this morning. I'm not going to lie, what she said had hurt me. I'm trying to look out for her and I understand she doesn't see that, but it's not even specifically that anymore. She's acting like a totally different person and this person was not my friend.

As soon as the bell rings, I quickly pack up my things and race toward the exit. It's no secret I'm failing calculous. I was supposed to be taking a higher math class during my senior year, but I am just terrible at math. Simple. There's nothing I can do about it.

"Ms. Carter?" Mr. Allan calls out to me just as my right foot is out the door. "Can I talk to you for a moment please?"

Mr. Allan was older, so it was hard to get sympathy from him. He was strict when it came to schoolwork and he didn't like it very much when people fail his class. And unfortunately, I failed his class last year.

"Yes, Mr. Allan?" I turn around and walk up to him.

He pushes his glasses up on his nose as he stares me down. Well, stares me up.

"You got a D on your last test. You seemed to be improving a couple weeks ago, what happened?"

Erin happened. The time I spent worrying about her and calling her at night to make sure she wasn't running off with Oliver took a lot out of my night. But I couldn't tell him that.

"Nothing. I just don't understand the material in this particular section. I'll, um, study it more."

Mr. Allan shakes his head. "I would like you to retake the test. Tests are worth a larger portion of your grade than quizzes and you do fine on those. But doing well on all the small things won't get you far when-"

Yeah, well, now he was going to rant. I have had this conversation with him many times, I can practically recite the whole thing.

"You can retake it next Monday. I suggest finding a tutor? I know you were working with Erin Kendrick. She seemed to help you improve your grades."

Ha. That was funny. "Yeah, sure. I'll ask her for help again." I lie.

Mr. Allan doesn't smile as he looks down at his computer. "You are dismissed."

I nod and briskly walk out of the classroom. The halls were clearing up, so it was easier to find Erin. Maybe I needed to apologize. She obviously doesn't understand the dangers of what she's doing, but I'm not going to get her to come to her senses by yelling at her or judging her. I disliked Oliver Bartholomew before, but now I despise him. I used to feel bad Erin was tricking him into thinking she was a teacher and I was hoping when she told him she was a student he would have the decency to back off. But of course not. She says he isn't taking advantage of her? How do you explain him still hanging out with her after knowing she's a student is not taking advantage of her? Oliver is the kind of guy who does things because he gets something return. I know this from the stories my dad comes home with at night while we eat dinner. Oliver is a cooperate mastermind and master manipulator. So what can he possibly get out of messing around with a high schooler?

I spotted Erin and her long coat head toward the front doors then outside. I quickly followed her out the door into the brisk spring air. "Erin, wait-" I say as she ignores me and walks toward the sports car waiting for her. "Erin!" I call but she gets into the passenger seat and they speed away before I even had the chance to stop them.

So now she is ignoring me. Perfect.

"Well, well, well," a familiar voice says behind me and I whip around to see the man from the bar. The one I kept spilling things on.

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