Chapter 10: The One and Only

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It was Saturday, which meant a party at Julia's house. Erin and I don't ever go to her parties, so when Alec invited me tonight it was the perfect opportunity. Erin wouldn't be there to get suspicious and she also wouldn't be there to see Theo.

I just threw on a short red dress and left my hair down. I wasn't a fan of the whole makeup thing, so I just used a little bit of my mom's eyeliner.

As soon as I see Alec's car pull up, I rush down the stairs before my mom could ask any questions. She knows I never go out on saturday nights, unless it was with Erin. And she also knows Erin doesn't happen to own a BMW. Well, not that I know of.

I pull open the passenger side door and slide in. "Hey," I smile and Alec smiles back.

"You look great, Teagan." his lingering eyes on my legs made me uncomfortable, but I didn't say anything. I could embarrass him, though.

"You ready?" I interrupt his staring and he looks back up at me with pink cheeks. "Yeah."


A Julia Palimore party was just what I expected. A large house, red solo cups littering her hardwood floor, out back a glowing swimming pool. Anything you would find in the movies, basically.

"You want a drink?" Alec asks loudly to be heard over all the noise and music.

I nod. "Sure,"

Alec leaves to go get me a drink and I start searching for Julia. This was not going to be easy, considering all the people here and considering her popularity level.

"Julia," I say quietly to myself. "Come out, come out, wherever you are..."

Maybe I could ask someone where she would be. I spot Brian Miller, the quarterback, and walk up to him. He would know where she is. "Hey, have you seen Julia?"

Brian laughs and takes another drink. "I think- I - I think she's outside." he laughs some more and walks away.

Well, he was sure wasted but he was the only lead I got.

I walk outside and spot Julia right away. Only because she was with Erin.

Erin and Julia and her clique were all in the shallow end of the pool, cups in their hands and very skimpy bikinis. I was shocked to even see Erin wearing something like that.

I had bigger problems now, though. like the fact Erin was actually here and Theo would be outside waiting for me to bring out Julia in ten minutes. Perfect.

I quickly run back inside and run right into Alec, who spills beer all over my chest. Now I know how Theo feels.

"Shit, Teagan, I'm sorry-" Alec says embarrassed and I hold up a hand. "No, stop, it's okay. I ran into you it was my fault. I'm going to go to the bathroom and clean this up." I smile as charmingly as I can and Alec buys it.

"Okay, sure. Come find me when you're out." Alec smiles and I nod. "Yeah, totally."

I rush to the bathroom and see a couple making out on the sink. "Guys," I snap and they pull apart quickly.

"We were here first!" The girl argues.

"And I have to use the bathroom," I argue back. "Unless you want to watch me go, but I have a feeling that might kill the mood."

The boy rolls his eyes. "Whatever," he says and takes the girl with him when they leave.

I lock the door and dial Theo's phone number.

"I'm almost there-" He begins to say but I cut him off.

"We have a problem." I say into the phone. "Erin is here and although we could have just avoided her if she was just here to hang out, she decided to hang out with Julia."

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