Chapter 18: Beacon of Hope

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I felt myself drifting off. It would be so nice to sleep, considering I really needed it. I really wanted it. After everything I've been through tonight, couldn't I just go to sleep?

My head falls to the side, and the first thing my mind drifts off to is dancing with Theo. The distant memory of his lips on mine-


My head snaps up and I'm wide awake. I was delirious. I need to get out of here before I start talking to myself.

I pull myself up from the ground and sneak a peak out the door. I didn't hear any noise or see any indication that the hooded man is out there, so I walk of out the hospital room and scurry into another hallway. I couldn't make any noise, not even the patter of my feet. If he was nearby he would find me. You could hear a pin drop in this place.

I hear light patters in the distance. My heart stops.

Has he already found me? I was so close to my freedom-

It got louder as I realized it couldn't be coming from one person.


And if I could hear rain...

It meant I had to be close to a window or exit or something.

I turn on the flashlight assuming it was now safe to find my way. He didn't have a flashlight, so I was the one with the advantage this time.

I shine the light over molded walls and dirty floors. I easily avoid a stray piece of glass. That could mean I was close to a window.

I pick up my pace, excited and my adrenaline rushing. I was so close to freedom-

I stumble on an object and almost find myself falling on large shards of glass.

Windows. I was close to windows, which meant an exit had to be nearby. Right?

I look down to see I actually stumbled on the shoe I threw earlier to cover up my tracks. I fought to let out a sob of relief as I pick up the shoe and stare at it. I ran down the hall from the holding room I was in and made a left. They were following me so I made a right, then hid behind the left side of the hallway and threw my shoe toward the right.

I remembered. I remembered.

I rely on the directions I had set dead stone in my head, and ran for my life this time. I had a flashlight, so it was way easier. My heart beats faster as I run into a large room with a shattered chair.

That was my chair. I allow myself to laugh quietly before running toward the door across the room. It was a surprise it was still standing, considering everything in here was close to falling apart.

I open the door slowly, but it still makes small creaks. I curse myself, hoping they aren't nearby. I was so damn close.

I find myself in a lobby looking area- and then a door. The first thing I spot is the beautiful old wooden double doors.

The rain was pattering outside loudly, telling me this was a downfall. I rather be sick with pneumonia than be kidnapped.

I shove open the heavy doors with my already sore shoulder, and the hundred drops of rain that land on my head and my body fill me with relief. I smile to myself as I hear the distant sound of horns beeping, sirens wailing.

But I wasn't finished yet. I needed to find my way out of here before they do and try and take me again.

I run down the dark streets of New York and hope no one is in the mood for a good mugging tonight.

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