"Special" Brownies(Humor)

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"MR.STARK!!!!" Peter yelled at the top of his lungs as he stumbled out of the elevator. His voice was high pitched and a little slurred. Bucky, Steve, Nat, and Tony all sat in shock as they stared at the sight of Peter. He was definitely not wearing his clothes, the hoodie he was wearing was much larger than his body and the 4 couldn't see any pants. Peter dragged his body into the middle of the room and plopped himself down on a chair.

"Uh kid are you ok?" Tony asked confused and concerned while getting up to feel Peter's forehead.

"Yup I feel great!" Peter popped out the p and gave a wide grin. Tony noicted Peter wasn't hot and then crossed out sick on his mental list.

"Meet my freind!!! Peter reached up his hoodie and pulled out a large lobster with two little rubber bands on it's claws. Peter held him up over his head, still wearing a large smile.

"AHHHH WHAT IS THAT!!!" Steve yelled and jumped into Buckys's arms still screaming.

"His name is Jelly Bean and he loves hugs, see!" Peter brought the 1 foot lobster to his chest and gave it a large squeeze. Nat ran over and yanked the lobster out of Peter's hands and threw it to the floor.

"NOOOOOO MY KITTY!!!" Peter fell to the floor with tears filling his eyes, as he tried to bag Jelly Bean Nat pushed the lobster away.

"Peter that's not safe! Where in the hell did you get a lobster!" Nat yelled wearing a worried face, Tony just sat on the couch pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Why was it in you're shirt!" Steve screamed in a high pitched voice still clinging onto Bucky.

"I bought him at the market, they were gonna kill him!" Peter was balling his eyes out on the floor still trying to drag himself to Jelly bean.

"But why was he in your shirt!" Bucky asked not necessarily concerned because he's seen weirder from Peter but he was genuinely interested.

"H-he was cold and Ned's hoodies are the warmest!" Peter started to rub his eyes to get rid of the tears as he curled up in a ball. Tony's head popped up when Peter mentioned Ned's hoodie, which was werid because something like that would embarrass Peter in any other circumstance.

"Peter are you drunk?" Tony asked with his eyes raised and his voice slightly intimidating. Peter stood up with a confused face.

"No alcohol tastes like battery acid, I went home from school and Aunt May had brownies in a bag that said "do not touch" but I'm a such a cool dude and ate three!" Peter slicked back his hair trying to seem cool but couldn't stop giggling. Bucky and Tony had on their "oh shit faces™".

"Um did they taste different?" Tony asked utterly concerned.

"I guess, but they make me feel really good, Oh look the room is filled with flowers" Peter kneeled to the ground and started to pick the air like flowers and smell them.

"He's soooooo high!" Bucky laughed out while Steve started to freak out.

"Drugs! No No No No! He's so young, what if he gets addicted!" Steve screamed out talking a mile a minute.

"Calm down Rogers, it's just a weed brownie, he won't get addicted, he'll be high for about an hour and then he'll pass out!" Nat said laughing at how much of a dad Steve was being. They all laughed a little bit and then looked around the room.

"Where's Peter?" Their eyes flew around the large room and nothing, Peter was gone and so was jelly bean.

"How did we lose him?" Tony said sarcastically throwing his hands into the air.

"Friday locate Peter!" Nat yelled worried that the lobster would get killed or Peter would get pinched.

"Peter Parker is in the kitchen Miss Romanoff" They all bolted into the kitchen and looked around but nothing, Peter was no where to be scene and as everyone was about to leave when a single crumb fell from the ceiling and they all moved their heads up slowly. There layed Peter hanging from the ceiling holding Jelly Bean on his stomach while munching on Oreos.

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