Mission Pt1

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I wake up to something shaking me lightly. I slowly open my eyes and see Todoroki fully dressed in a completely black suit.

"Izuku, baby, its time to wake up." He whispered leaning closer. I shot up accidentally heading our foreheads together.

"Aw." I wined, rubbing my head.

"What was that for?" He asked, rubbing his.

"I'm sorry that I fell asleep last night." I pouted.

"Why? It's okay that you fell asleep." He sat on the edge of the bed and started to rub my leg to comfort me.

"I promised we'd have sex last night, but I fell asleep." I pouted.

 "It's fine." He laughed, "But you should get ready, we have to leave at 7." I looked at the clock, it was 5 in the morning. I just remembered that we have a mission to do today. I put my feet on the floor and stand up from the bed.

"I set out your clothes in the bathroom. Do you need help showering~" He smirked. No matter how much I would love that, we shouldn't. we have to stay focused today. More him than me, I don't want to be the reason the plan fails.

"I think I can mange, maybe tonight." I smiled at him then shut the door to the bathroom. When I got out of the shower, I started to put on my suit which matched Shoto's. I got dressed then walked out of the bathroom. Todoroki was still in the bedroom waiting for me.

"Ready, baby?" He asked holding his hand out to me. I nodded and took it. We walked down to the work room. He let go of my hand and I stayed back with everyone else as he walked in front of everyone. When he turned around to face everyone, he stared at me.

"Come here, Izu." He ordered and I obeyed. I walked to his side, he placed his arm acrossed my shoulder. I snaked one of my arms acrossed his back.

"Remember the plan. If anything goes south, remember what to get out, no matter what." When he said this everyone looked at me but Todoroki. "Emotions will not be tolerated during this. We have to carry out the plan. We will carry out the plan. I hate to say this but if needed, I will get rid of you if your emotion take over. With that, Tokoyami, Momo, Shinsou and Kaminari you guys need to go." He finished explaining with a straight face. Everyone one started to pack up and leave but Tsuyu, Shoto and I. I tugged on his shirt until he looked at me.

"I don't know the plan."

"It's okay. You'll be with me." He kissed my forehead.

"What if things go south?"

"Uh... Don't worry about. If that happens, I have everything taken care of. Lets just hope it doesn't." He said letting go of me and grabbing to black bags. We packed the car and left the mansion. 

I ended up falling asleep on Todoroki's shoulder during the drive but I woke up when I felt the car stop. I looked out the window to see many hills.

"We are hiking now."Shoto said getting out of the car. I got out and he handed my a black bag. "No matter what keep this on out." He said, tugging it onto my back. I nodded. "One more thing..." He pulled out a tiny black box. He opened it up and it was a bracelet with green, red and white misty like shapes on the black band. I took it from the box.

"Do you-"

"Yes, I have one just like it." He said pulling up his sleeve to reveal the black band. I slid it onto my wrist and tightened it. "Please, keep it on. It means more than you think."

"What does it mean?"

"Don't worry about it." He said turning around.

"What?! Why are you keeping so many things from me?" I gripped my handed onto his wrist.

"You'll know soon enough, my love." He didn't turn around but I let go of him. I nodded and dropped the conversation. We all made our way up to the tallest hill and waited.

Todoroki said something but I didnt hear. He walked over to me and wrapped his arm around my waist tightly.

"Hold tightly, my dear. We are about to go up." He kissed my forehead and then I wrapped my arms around him as tight as I could. I buried my head into his chest. Only seconds later, the wind picked up and my feet left the ground. I held onto him like my life depended on it, which it kinds does.

"Its okay, everything will be okay, my Izuku. My love." I felt safe with his words. Soon the heavy wind stopped and my feet hit something. I didn't look up until Todoroki lifted my chin.

"See, everything is just fine, my love." He whispered to me then moved his lips against mine. When we pulled away, I seen Dabi hooking up some crates and Tsuyu was helping. Shoto grabbed my hand and we walk through the door. There were tons of people how filled the plane. I could easily spot out where Mina, Kacchan and Kirishima were sitting.

Todoroki lend me slowly passed all the people to the front of the plane. He opened the door and we entered. There sat Tokoyami flying the plane and Kaminari sitting beside him.

"Everything is going to plan so far. Let's keep it that way. You may go back to the original path and then let Shinsou and Momo know they must leave. They them to go to the drop off area. This shouldn't take long." Todoroki directed.

"Sho, I'll be right back. I have to go to the bathroom."

"Hurry up. When your done, go back to where we came in, okay?" He said lifting my hand to his mouth and kissed it. I nodded and walked out to where all the passengers were at. I took a few steps before seeing All Might.

Our eyes made contact and I couldn't move. I was so happy to see him in person but terrified because we were stealing from him. Soon, I watched as All Might stood up while staring my dead in the eye.

"Damn it Deku! RUN!" Kacchan stood up and yelled.

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