Mission Pt 2

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Hearing Kacchan yell, snapped my out of it. All Might quickly looked at Kacchan. Kirishima slammed his hand over Kacchan's mouth. Mina stood up.

"Fuck it, they know we are here." Mina yelled.

"Bakugou?!" A girl with pink cheeks yelled.

"Kirishima?!" A girl with purple hair yelled.

"Mina?!" A boy with black hair yelled.

"What are you guys doing? You used to be good children." All Might said, looking at each Kacchan, Kirishima and Mina.

"I'm not a fucking child anymore!" Kacchan yelled, jumping from his seat to the aisle.

"We found a better job." Mina jumped from her seat. Each of them stood between me and All Might. The door slammed behind me and I snapped around to see Todoroki.

"Damn it." He looked from me to All Might.

"Todoroki....!" All Might spoke lowly. I would be surprised if he didn't know him. Todoroki did off his father, a pro hero. Kacchan blasted All Might when he wasn't paying attention. Kirishima pulled me through the smoke. The last thing I heard was Todoroki yell Code R, before people started to yell. I watched Todoroki stand still as I was ripped away.

"Shoto!?" I yelled as the door shut to cargo hold. Kirishima let go of me and blocked the door.

"Is everything we fucking need the fuck out?!" Kacchan yelled. Dabi nodded. The crates and Tsuyu were gone.

"Then it time to get the fuck out of here!" Kacchan yelled again. Dabi jumped from the plane followed by Mina. Kacchan jumped and I stood still. What is going on?

"We can't leave Shoto!" I cried out. I felt a hand wrap around my wrist and I looked up to see Kirishima. He pulled me off the plane and he held out to my wrist as he forced me to jump out.

"You are the thing we have to get out if things go south!" Kirishima yelled. Things did go south. And... it was ... my fault. I felt hot tears drip from my eyes as I watch everyone's parachute opened.

"Open it now, Midoriya!" Kirishima yelled still holding onto me. I reached for the cord that kept hitting and I pulled it. My parachute and Kirishima's opened at the same time. It yanked us his slightly and the wind stopped rushing around my ears. Kirishima let go of me but stayed close.

"See those two small hills?" Kirishima asked.

"Y-yeah." I responded with a shaky voice.

"That is where Momo and Shinsou will be waiting for us."

As we got closer to the ground, Kirishima direct me to correctly laid. Everyone seemed to have a smooth landing but me. I couldn't stop myself, I ended up tripping and the parachute almost dragged my away. Kacchan worked fast to cut it from me before that could happen though.

I didn't get up from the ground. I looked up as the plane passed over our heads and there was no sign of Shoto.

"He'll be okay." Dabi spoke watching the plane pass as well.

"Stop fucking crying, damn nerd. We need to get the hell out of here." Kacchan growled as he and Kirishima moved one of the two crates. Dabi and Tsuyu moved the other one. They loaded the two crates into different moving trucks.

"Dabi, Tsuyu and Momo to one truck. Momo drive and the other two in the back. Bakugou, Shinsou and I will take this one. Shinsou, you'll drive. Mina take the car and drive Midoriya back home. We'll meet you there." Kirishima ordered. Everyone nodded and went to leave. I didn't, I stayed on the ground and stared at the path the plane made in the sky.

"Midoriya, we need to go. I promise, the boss will be fine." She helped me up and we got into the car and left.

The drive back to the mansion was quiet. We stopped to get some fast food on the way but other then that my mind was focused on Shoto.

I ended up falling asleep in the back seat. The dreams weren't very pleasant. There were so many of see Todoroki beaten up and bloody or even dead. I woke up in tears and watched as we pulled into the hidden estate. When Mina parked the car, everyone came out of the building. Mina got out of the car and spoke to them until Kirishima opened the door.

"Midoriya, come on out. There's things that Todoroki wanted us to tell you." He spoke in a sad voice but I jumped out of the car, hoping Shoto was here. When I got out, I knew he wasn't because everyone even Kacchan wore a sad face.

"He's not here, is he?" I looked down at the ground.

"I'm sorry, no he's not." Kirishima said, leaning me into the house. The group of people and myself went to the work room. I sat down in Todoroki's normal seat as everyone one sat around the table. Everyone was quiet until the door opened and Tokoyami and Kaminari entered and shook their heads then sat down.

"I know your worried about the boss, Midoriya. But the boss has a plan." Kirishima said.

"How do you know that!?" I yelled in tears.

"Did you see how Todoroki kept talking about things going south?" Momo asked. I nodded. "Todoroki never doubts his plans, never talks about things going wrong. He was planning on getting caught."

"I don't believe you! Why would he want to get caught?!" I cried out. Why is all this happening? I don't understand. Then the band came to mind. I looked down at my wrist and stared at the bracelet he gave me before this all happened. Why are you doing this? I brought the band to my lips and kissed it.

"He gave it to you?" Momo asked in surprise.

"Y-yeah, why?"

"Can I see it?"

"Why?" I clenched protectively.

"He asked me to make it last night. It has a tracker in both bands. Was he wearing his?" Momo stated.


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