Caught Pt2

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"What are you doing here, mother?"

"I could ask you the same. I'm only here for you." Her soft voice brings me to tears but I fight them back.

"You shouldn't be here."

"Neither should you. What happened to turn you to this life?" She said walking in and All Might shut the door behind her.

"I don't want to be like father. So I offed him and I live a comfortable life doing what I do." I explained, leaning back in my chair.

"You did what?" Her voice was calm.

"He deserved it. What he did to you and everyone else, shouldn't have happened."

"Oh my." She leaned toward me and whispered to me, "I'm here to get you out of here."

"What?" I stood up confused what she said. 

"I know all about you and your pack. They contacted me and informed me on the situation. Since I would be the only one to come in without being detected because I could help you 'give in'." Someone contacted her? Who? Does she know about Midoriya?


"This sweet girl, Momo, I think she said her name is. Are you two together, if not you should. She seems like a lovely lady. We'll talk about that later, we have to plan." She moved her hand over the cuffs and froze them. I hit them against the wall and they shattered. "Easy enough."

I stood up and we walked towards the door. I took the liberty to spread frost over the door and kick it down. The alarms started to go off as we made are way down the hallway. In a Hero Station, they still have officers. They rushed up the hallway, we simply spread ice acrossed the floor causing them to fall.

"We are not here to hurt you, merely to finish a job." I stated walking passed them. I walked into the unguarded control room as my mother stood guard for me. I went over to the mic and turned it on.

"Good evening, I am Shoto Todoroki, head of the Todoroki mafia. I work for All for One, which all of you should know. I'm here for him. He wants me to welcome you to freedom for him. He will find you at some point after you escape and have you join his growing empire." I finished announcing. I walked over to the buttons and pushed the one that opened the jail cells and took down all the defenses. I walked out of the room and the criminals start to rush down the halls.

Mother and I walked behind them as they cleared the path for us. They all stopped when All Might blocked the path. Mother and I moved to the front of the crowd. We took no time to freeze him into a block of ice. We left his head free because we were not there to kill. The crowd rushed out of the building and I had one last thing to do. I asked my mother to take a picture of me standing next to All Might.

"What kind of sick joke is this?" All Might yelled as my mother snapped the picture.

"It's not a joke, it's for my lover." I stated as mother and I left the building.

As we crept out of the town and back to the house, my mother decide to bring up the topic from earlier.

"You have a girlfriend?" 


"But you said it was for your lover."


"Are you just having sex with her?"

"Yes and no."

"How so? Explain, Shoto."

"I am having sex but not with a female."

"Wait." She grabbed on my arm and stopped me, " Are you gay?"

"Yes, mother. I am gay and fucking a male." She didn't say anything, so a turned around and kept walking. "I have a boyfriend, we have been dating for a few months now. His name is Midoriya." She began to walk again but stayed quite.

When we got back to the house it was dark outside. I opened the door to the manner and Kirishima quickly came to my side.

"Welcome home boss."

"Get a room prepared for my mother. Where is Izuku?"

"Uh... Boss, are you sure you wanna see him right now?"

"Of course, why wouldn't I?" I scowled at him.

"He found the liquor cabinet and hasn't stopped drinking since he spoke to you. Last time I checked, he was in your office." Kirishima disclosed then took my mother's hand and lean her up the steps. I slowly made my way to my office. I knocked on the closed door.

"GoOo the fuk away~" I heard Izuku call from inside. It was clear that he was drunk.

"Are you sure you me to leave? I just got back." I teased through the door.

"Sh-shOTO!" I heard him yelled. I opened the door to see him trip to the floor. I rushed to his side and took the bottle of Jack out of his hand.

"Hello, baby." I leaned down to kiss him but he pushed me away.

"Give me tat bak" he demanded reaching for the bottle.

"How many bottles have you had?"

"futh bottle, may-be" he slurred his words.

"Fourth bottle?"

"Yep!" He cheered. I set the bottle down and picked him up bridal style and he wrapped his arms around my neck.

"My mother's here, this is a bad first impression." 

"I don't wanna met her now." He wined. "I want you." He said giving me a sloppy kiss as I carried him up to the room. My mother's room was close to mine an as I walked down the hall to my room, she walked out of her door.

"Is that?"

"Yes, mother, this is Midoriya. He's normal not like this but I put him through a scary today."

"HelllllllloooOo, Missss Todorokiii. " Izuku sang out with his head upside down looking at my mother. "I'm gonna fuk him, tonight." He tried to whisper to her.

"Izuku, I never agreed." I walked over to our door. I opened it and my mother stood there and watched.

"You didn't fuk me las night, soOoO night Imma rock you're wold." He slurred as I carried him in. I heard my mother laugh as I closed the door. I laid him on the bed.

"That was some first impression."

"I don't care. We can either fight about what you did today oOor we can fuk." He said throwing his hands in the air.

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