A Bad Smell

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3rd person POV

The police have just arrived at an apartment complex due to the complaints of other tenants.

"I often hear someone screaming"

"There has been quite a smell recently"

"I haven't seen anyone go in or out in the past month"

Some filed a 'complaint' because they worried for their neighbors hoping someone would check to see if they are all right. Something had to be done. A week after the mountain of complaints came in, the police department finally dispatched an officer to check the homeowners.


The officer pressed the doorbell. Almost five minutes pass but no one answers the door. As he was about to ring the doorbell again he noticed that the door was unlocked. He entered the room only to gag from the stench of a rotting body.

"Hurk- Rrrr... this is officer Wataru Takagi. I found 2 corpses in xxxxx."

No more than 10 minutes later a couple of police cars and an ambulance come to the scene.

Bakugo's POV

Where's Deku?! I haven't been able to kick his ass recently. He never seems to be around. Did he go on a trip?

I was watching TV until I heard police cars so I looked outside the window to see pro heroes and police cars.

I quickly ran outside hoping my favorite hero, All Might would be there when I saw Deku's complex door open. I walk up only to be stopped by police guards.

Eraser Head's POV (Shota Aizawa)

My shift started early today and less than 10 minutes in I got called in for a potential homicide case. 'GREAT'

I arrive there a few minutes late only to see a little ash-blonde boy trying to go to a crime scene.

I quickly grabbed the child in front of the crime scene with my capture gear and brought him farther away.

"Do you know who lives there?"

The child nodded, "Deku lives there!"

"Who is Deku?"

"He is my classmate from school!

"And how old are you?"

"I'm 4 years old this year"

I set the child down and told him to go home. Thank god he quickly complied. I go over to ask the team if they have found the body of a small boy.

"No children or any others could be found"

Where's the child?

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