Fasted Cardio

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3rd person POV

Hitoshi went to the elementary school where Eri attended in quite a rush since cleaning the house would take quite a while.

Hitoshi's POV

I arrive at Eri's elementary school slightly out of breath. The teachers there know me quite well since I often have to pick up Eri and brought her out for me.

"Hitoshi. Are we going home now?" Eri looked at me slightly disappointed to have to leave

"We have a guest coming over for dinner" I smile at her calmly. I know that she is more comfortable around people now but I still worry.

She paused at the thought but smiled as she left to get her things. Eri talked about her day at school as we walked home. We turned the corner and saw Pops' car parked on the driveway.

"I'm home" I yelled as I entered the living room. I hear loud singing and see Pops cooking in the kitchen. I tell Eri to wash up as I clean the living room. The house would normally be clean but Back to school has been quite hectic.

??? POV

Someone's following me.

Two. No, Three.

I look around and there doesn't seem to be any people around. I turn into a dark ally only to find a dead end. I turn around to see 3 tall men in black wearing a mask. The looked like bank robbers in movies and just like the movies the had guns with them.


The first guy missed by a few centimeters. They're amateurs!

I smirked gently put down my brown paper bag and ran towards them and kicked their guns out of their hands. Separating them is key. I push the terrible shot against the wall and punch him hard enough to knock him out. I turn only to be met by another fist ramming towards my head.

This idiot! I moved my head ever so slightly and his punch landed on the poor guy against the wall. I could barely hold it in.

I stepped to the side and did a simple roundhouse kick to the head and hit the temple just right. Alright, just one more.

The last man standing. He hesitated and yelled out "Fuck it! I'm going to use my Quirk"

His voice trembled but he continued to rip off his shirt. I checked to see is the others are still out and before I knew it, something grabbed onto my waist.

I'm sooo sorry!! Hahahaha my non-existent brain is fried. Tysm for reading! 

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